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A short practice to write a trie with LinkedList for all the valid words
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/* * Author: Ruo Ding * Date: June 26, 2012 */ import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Scanner; public class SimpleTrie { /** * @param args */ private SimpleTrieNode root; private SimpleTrieNode head; public SimpleTrie() { root = new SimpleTrieNode(); head = null; } { if (head!=null) return; SimpleTrieNode scanningNode = root; for (int i = 0; i < aWord.length(); i++) { char letter = aWord.charAt(i); scanningNode.subNodes[iChar] = new SimpleTrieNode(subWord); scanningNode = scanningNode.subNodes[iChar]; } scanningNode.isWord = true; head = scanningNode; } { SimpleTrieNode scanningNode = root; if (head == null) { initTrie(aWord); return; } SimpleTrieNode nextWord = null; SimpleTrieNode prevWord = null; for (int i = 0; i < aWord.length(); i++) { char letter = aWord.charAt(i); if (scanningNode.subNodes[iChar] != null) { scanningNode = scanningNode.subNodes[iChar]; if (scanningNode.values.length == aWord.length() && scanningNode.toString().equals(aWord) && !scanningNode.isWord) { // if the word occur as a prefix in our list, // than find the fist word with this prefix, insert this in the front nextWord = findNextWord(scanningNode, 0); scanningNode.isWord = true; if (nextWord.prev != null) { prevWord = nextWord.prev; prevWord.next = scanningNode; scanningNode.prev = prevWord; } scanningNode.next = nextWord; nextWord.prev = scanningNode; return; } }else { if (prevWord == null && nextWord == null) { nextWord = findNextWord(scanningNode, iChar+1); prevWord = findPrevWord(scanningNode, iChar-1); } scanningNode.subNodes[iChar] = new SimpleTrieNode(subWord); scanningNode = scanningNode.subNodes[iChar]; } } scanningNode.isWord = true; if (prevWord != null) { prevWord.next = scanningNode; scanningNode.prev = prevWord; } if (nextWord != null) { nextWord.prev = scanningNode; scanningNode.next = nextWord; } } { if (head == null) { return null; } SimpleTrieNode scanningNode = root; for (int i = 0; i < aWord.length(); i++) { char letter = aWord.charAt(i); if (scanningNode.subNodes[iChar] != null) { scanningNode = scanningNode.subNodes[iChar]; if (scanningNode.values.length == aWord.length()) { if (scanningNode.isWord) { return scanningNode; }else { return null; } } }else { return null; } } return null; } { SimpleTrieNode toRemove = find(word); if(toRemove.prev!=null) { toRemove.prev.next = toRemove.next; } if(toRemove.next!=null) { toRemove.next.prev = toRemove.prev; } return toRemove; } public SimpleTrieNode getHead() { return head; } // give the parent node and the index starts to scan in parent node public SimpleTrieNode findNextWord(SimpleTrieNode node, int cIndex) { if (node == null) return null; for (int i = cIndex; i<node.subNodes.length; i++) { if (node.subNodes[i] != null) { if (node.subNodes[i].isWord) { return node.subNodes[i]; }else { return findNextWord(node.subNodes[i], 0); } } } // none found in the same or below level, proceed to the next in its parent level SimpleTrieNode theParent = null; for (int i = 0; i < subWord.length()-1; i++) { if (theParent == null) { theParent = root; } char letter = subWord.charAt(i); if (theParent.subNodes[iChar]!=null) { theParent = theParent.subNodes[iChar]; }else { return null; } } int nextIndex = -1; if (subWord.length()>=1) { char nextChar = subWord.charAt(subWord.length()-1); } return findNextWord(theParent, nextIndex+1); } // give the parent node and the index starts to scan in parent node public SimpleTrieNode findPrevWord(SimpleTrieNode node, int cIndex) { if (node == null) return null; for (int i = cIndex; i >= 0; i--) { if (node.subNodes[i] != null) { SimpleTrieNode rSubNode = findPrevWord(node.subNodes[i], 25); if (rSubNode != null) { return rSubNode; }else if (node.subNodes[i].isWord) { return node.subNodes[i]; } } } //if none exist before the index in the node child, check if node is a word if (node.isWord) { return node; } // none found in the same or below level, proceed to the prev in its parent level SimpleTrieNode theParent = null; int iChar = -1; int i; for ( i = 0; i < subWord.length()-1; i++) { if (theParent == null) { theParent = root; } char letter = subWord.charAt(i); if (theParent.subNodes[iChar]!=null) { theParent = theParent.subNodes[iChar]; }else { return null; } } int nextIndex = -1; if (subWord.length()>=1) { char nextChar = subWord.charAt(subWord.length()-1); } return findPrevWord(theParent, nextIndex-1); } // main just test some basic functions for this SimpleTrie SimpleTrie ourTrie = new SimpleTrie(); int wordsCount = 0; int nodesCount = 0; ArrayList<String> allWords = new ArrayList<String>(); int duplicateCounts = 0; try{ if (dbFile.exists()) { Scanner preProcessor = new Scanner(dbFile); while (preProcessor.hasNextLine()) { if (theWord.equals("abalone")) { } ourTrie.insert(theWord); allWords.add(theWord); wordsCount++; if (table.get(theWord)!=null) { duplicateCounts++; } } preProcessor.close(); } SimpleTrieNode aR = ourTrie.remove("zimbalon"); SimpleTrieNode printNode = ourTrie.getHead(); while(printNode!=null) { //System.out.println(printNode.toString()); printNode = printNode.next; nodesCount++; } for (int i = 0; i< allWords.size(); i++) { if (ourTrie.find(aWord) == null) { } } { System.out.println("Faild with Error: " + e.getMessage() + ", at line: " + wordsCount + ", at node " + nodesCount); } System.out.println("TotalWord from dic is: " + wordsCount + ", and total nodes is: " + nodesCount + ", dupcount: " + duplicateCounts); } } public class SimpleTrieNode { /** * @param args */ public SimpleTrieNode prev; public SimpleTrieNode next; public SimpleTrieNode[] subNodes; public char[] values; public char sValue; public boolean isWord; // true indicate the node contains a word in our dictionary public SimpleTrieNode() { prev = null; next = null; subNodes = new SimpleTrieNode[26]; } { prev = null; next = null; subNodes = new SimpleTrieNode[26]; values = word.toCharArray(); if (values.length >= 1) { sValue = values[values.length-1]; } } { if (values == null) return ""; } }