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Running queries in Access to ignore warnings and get affected record count
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'Using Execute instead of DoCmd.RunSQL suppresses the warning dialogs 'automatically without having to mess with turning DoCmd.SetWarnings 'off and then back on when finished (if you remember). 'Execute can be used to run a query string you construct, or an Access 'stored query. Dim strSql As String strSql = "UPDATE table SET field = newvalue WHERE field = currentvalue" CurrentDb.Execute (strSql), dbFailOnError 'The parameter "dbFailOnError" terminates the execute command if the, 'query fails, so I use it pretty much always. 'Also, when running this, you can return the number of rows affected Dim intRowsAffected As Integer intRowsAffected = CurrentDb.RecordsAffected 'If for some reason you are expecting lots of errors, you may want to 'stick with DoCmd.RunSQL and leave DoCmd.SetWarnings = true. I don't 'like this as it always presents the user with "You are about to 'update a bunch of records, are you sure" or something similar 'depending on the operation you are running.