Posted By

1man on 06/01/08



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VoteLinks microformat

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Not very widely addopted microformat, but could be in the future.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <!-- VoteLinks Microformat -->
  2. <!-- Three possibilities for the rev attribute -->
  3. <a href="" rev="vote-for">For the Domain</a>
  4. <a href="" rev="vote-against">Against the Domain</a>
  5. <a href="" rev="vote-abstain">Neither for / against the Domain</a>
  6. <!--
  7. NOTE: Rel attribute was used in the past, but this is now depriciated. Rev is used as
  8. it is logically correct (relationship between the document containing the link and
  9. the linked document)
  10. -->

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