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as you'd guess, these are R functions that I use frequently, posted for the benefit of people I share code with can
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## these are functions that I sometimes use in my code ## they are intended to be able to be run on any computer ## with R installed. ################################# ### ### Settings ### ################################# options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ################################# ### ### Aliases for frequently used functions ### ################################# s <- base::summary; h <- utils::head; n <- base::names; as.dataframe<-base::data.frame; ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: sourceDir ### ################################# # sources any *.R files in a given directory # # Args: path # trace is a boolean to print file names as they are sourced # # Returns: nothing # # this function is copied from the "source" help text # sourceDir <- function(path, trace = TRUE, ...) { for (nm in list.files(path, pattern = "\\.[Rr]$")) { if(trace) cat(nm,":") source(file.path(path, nm), ...) if(trace) cat("\n") } } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: write.txt ### ################################# # write.table with my most frequently used settings # # Args: # ... (vector of items to paste) # # Returns: # write.txt<-function (x, file="", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, ...){ write.table(x, file, quote=quote, sep=sep, row.names=row.names, ...) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: read.txt ### ################################# # read.table with my most frequently used settings # # Args: # ... (vector of items to paste) # # Returns: # data frame # read.txt<-function (file="", sep="\t", header=TRUE,row.names=NULL, ...){ read.table(file, sep= sep, header= header, row.names= row.names, ...) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: pasteNS ### ################################# # Paste arguments with no spaces between them # # Args: # ... (vector of items to paste) # # Returns: # character vector result of paste # pasteNS<-function (...){ paste(..., sep="") } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: convertToComplement ### ################################# # Converts string into its DNA complement # # Args: # string # fGenotype (boolean; if TRUE, orders the string alphabetically) # # Returns: # string # convertToComplement<-function(x,fGenotype=TRUE){ allComps<-NULL for (nucString in x){ bases=c("A","C","G","T") xx<-unlist(strsplit(toupper(nucString),NULL)) thisComp=unlist(lapply(xx,function(bbb){ if(bbb=="A") compString<-"T" if(bbb=="C") compString<-"G" if(bbb=="G") compString<-"C" if(bbb=="T") compString<-"A" if(!bbb %in% bases) compString<-"N" return(compString) })) if(fGenotype) thisComp = thisComp [order(thisComp)] thisComp =paste(thisComp,collapse="") allComps=c(allComps, thisComp) } return(allComps) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: convertColsToNumeric ### ################################# # Converts specified columns to numeric # # Args: # data frame, column indices # # Returns: # original DF with specified columns changed # convertColsToNumeric<-function(dfConv,colIndices){ for (i in colIndices){ dfConv[,i]=as.numeric(dfConv[,i]) } return(dfConv) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: printNumberedVector ### ################################# # # prints a vector to screen, one item per line with each line numbered # # Input: a vector # # Returns: # nothing # ## printNumberedVector<-function(someVector){ cat(paste(1:length(someVector ), someVector,"\n")) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: cnvSummary ### ################################# # # creates a summary of cnvs identified by the cnv-seq package # writes the summary to a file # returns the files # # Input: cnvFileName, outputFileName # # Returns: # nothing # ## summarizeCNV<-function(cnvFileName,outputFileName){ ## for testing ## cnvFileName ="*CNV.hits.log2-0.6.pvalue-0.001.minw-4.cnv" if (! file.exists(outputFileName)) { library(cnv) cnvFileData <- read.delim(cnvFileName) if (sum(cnvFileData $cnv!=0)){ cnvSummary<-NULL for (i in seq(max(min(cnvFileData$cnv), 1), max(cnvFileData$cnv))) { sub <- subset(cnvFileData, cnv == i) start <- ceiling(mean(c(min(sub$start), min(sub$position)))) end <- floor(mean(c(max(sub$end), max(sub$position)))) cnvSummary <- rbind(cnvSummary ,c(paste("CNVR_", i, sep = ""), unique(sub$chromosome), start, end, end - start + 1, unique(sub$cnv.log2), unique(sub$cnv.p.value)))#, sep = "\t", file = file, } colnames(cnvSummary)= c("cnv", "chromosome", "start", "end", "size", "log2", "p.value") cnvSummary=data.frame(cnvSummary) for (i in 3:7){ cnvSummary[,i]=as.numeric(cnvSummary[,i]) } } else { return(NULL) } write.table(cnvSummary, outputFileName, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t") } else { cnvSummary =read.table(outputFileName, header=TRUE, sep="\t") } return(cnvSummary) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: fixRowNamesColumn ### ################################# # # moves data in "Row.names" column to rownames # # Args: df # # Returns: # dataframe # ## fixRowNamesColumn<-function(mergeResultsDF){ #mergeResultsDF= popByAgeWide rownames(mergeResultsDF)= mergeResultsDF$Row.names mergeResultsDF= mergeResultsDF[,2:ncol(mergeResultsDF)] } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: getLabelsAndMidPointsOfGroups ### ################################# # # useful for labeling axes and creating # # Args: df, valname, byname, passFUN, fnDesc # Example Vals # df= creatDF # valname="creat" # byname="breed" # passFUN=length # fnDesc="count" # fReplaceValName=FALSE ## the default is to append # # Returns: # dataframe # ## getLabelsAndMidPointsOfGroups<- function(charVec,alternatingColors=c("grey", "black")){ plotAnnotation<-data.frame(values= charVec) previousVal= c("", charVec[1:(length(charVec )-1)]) switchPoint= charVec != previousVal groupBreaks=data.frame(start=which(switchPoint)) groupBreaks$length= c(groupBreaks $start[2:nrow(groupBreaks)],length(charVec)+1)-groupBreaks$start groupBreaks$end= groupBreaks$start+ (groupBreaks$length-1) groupBreaks$midpoint=round(rowMeans(groupBreaks[,c("start","end")]),0) groupBreaks$label= plotAnnotation$values[groupBreaks$midpoint] groupBreaks$color= alternatingColors[1] groupBreaks$color[ c(T,F) ]=alternatingColors[2] plotAnnotation$color=as.character(unlist(apply(groupBreaks,1,function(x){ rep(x["color"],x["length"]) }))) plotAnnotation$labelnames= "" plotAnnotation$labelnames[groupBreaks$midpoint]=plotAnnotation$value[groupBreaks$midpoint] list(labelsDF=plotAnnotation, breaksDF=groupBreaks) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: prettyAggregate ### ################################# # wrapper for aggregate # renames columns based on input # # Args: df, valname, byname, passFUN, fnDesc # Example Vals # df= creatDF # valname="creat" # byname="breed" # passFUN=length # fnDesc="count" # fReplaceValName=FALSE ## the default is to append # # Returns: # dataframe # ## prettyAggregate<-function(df, valname, byname, passFUN, fnDesc, fReplaceValName=FALSE){ if (fReplaceValName) { agColName=fnDesc } else { agColName=pasteNS(valname,"_", fnDesc) } result=aggregate(df[, valname],by=list(df[, byname]), FUN= passFUN) colnames(result)=c(byname, agColName) return(result) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: cbindList/rbindList ### ################################# # tries to return a dataframe from a list of bind-able vectors or dataframes # based on first example in Reduce help # # Args: # List # # Returns: # dataframe # ## cbindList <- function(x) Reduce("cbind", x) rbindList <-function(x) Reduce("rbind",x) ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: bindRepeat ### ################################# # returns a dataframe composed of n # copies of the vector # Args: # vector2Rep - vector to be repeated # n - times to repeat ## abandoned: # fBindAsColumns - optional, boolean # # Returns: # dataframe # ## bindRepeat <- function(vector2Rep,n){ a <- list() for(i in 1:n) a[[i]] <- vector2Rep rbindList(a) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: inMB ### ################################# # Convert a number of bases to megabases # # Args: # number(s) # # Returns: # vector # ## inMB<-function(bases){ bases/1000000 } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: textListToVec ### ################################# # Convert a chunk of text (one item per line) to a vector # Just type textListToVec(" and then paste in the lines and type ") # # Args: # newline-separated list # # Returns: # vector # ## textListToVec <-function(a) strsplit(a,"\n")[[1]] ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: tableDF ### ################################# # performs the table function # but returns a well-formatted data.frame # # Args: # valVector # # Returns: # dataframe # ## tableDF<-function(valVector=c("a", "a", "b")){ t=data.frame(as.matrix(table(valVector))) t2=data.frame(value=row.names(t), frequency=t[,1]) row.names(t2)=row.names(t)# colnames(t)=c("frequency") return(t2) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: interleave ### ################################# # Interleave two vectorsAdd timestamp and data to plot # # Args: # v1 # v2 # # Returns: # vector # ## interleave <- function(v1,v2) { ord1 <- 2*(1:length(v1))-1 ord2 <- 2*(1:length(v2)) c(v1,v2)[order(c(ord1,ord2))] } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: stampPlot ### ################################# # Add timestamp and data to plot # # Args: # desc.txt="" # fOuter=FALSE # # Returns: # nothinbg # ## stampPlot=function(desc.txt="",fOuter=FALSE ){ if(fOuter) { pAdj=-2 } else { pAdj=-0.6 } mtext(paste(desc.txt, hbTimeStamp()),side=4,outer= fOuter,padj= pAdj,cex=.8) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: snap ### ################################# # like head, but also limits the number of columns. default is 6 columns 6 rows. snap <-function (df,rowLim=6,colLim=6) { # troubleshooting #age=18:29 #height=runif(12,62,74) #df =data.frame(age=age,height=height) if (is(df)[1]=="data.frame" | is(df)[1]=="matrix"){ nrowDF =nrow(df) ncolDF =ncol(df) if (rowLim<nrowDF) nrowDF=rowLim if (colLim<ncolDF) ncolDF=colLim print(df[1:nrowDF,1:ncolDF]) } else { print("cannot parse input") } } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: getAllListSubItemsByIndex ### ################################# # get the nth sub item from each item # # Args: # theList, list to pull from # theIndex, the index of desired items # # Returns: # vector or results # getAllListSubItemsByIndex <-function (theList, theIndex){ paste(lapply(theList,function(x) x=x[[theIndex]])) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: greaterOf ### ################################# # get the greater of two items # # Args: # values to compare # # Returns: # greater value # greaterOf <- function (x,y) { if (x>y | y==x){ x } else { if (y>x) { y } else { NA } } } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: lesserOf ### ################################# # get the lesser of two items # # Args: # values to compare # # Returns: # lesser value # lesserOf <- function (x,y) { if (x<y | y==x ){ x } else { if (y<x) { y } else { NA } } } ### FUNCTION: isBetween ### ################################# # is one value between two others # # Args: # 3 values # # Returns: # TRUE or FALSE # isBetween <- function (x,y,z) { x>y & x<z } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: initialCap ### ################################# # Converts each string in a vector to initial upper case # # Args: # wordsToConvert: vector of genes symbols # # Returns: # vector with changed words # initialCap <- function(wordsToConvert) { return_list<-NULL for (i in 1:length(wordsToConvert)){ r<-tolower(wordsToConvert[i]) s <- strsplit(r, " ")[[1]] return_list[i]=paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2), sep="", collapse=" ") } return(return_list) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: allIdentical ### ################################# # tests whether each item in a vector is identical # # Args: # vectorToTest: vector # # Returns: # TRUE or FALSE # allIdentical <- function(vectorToTest){ sum(! vectorToTest %in% vectorToTest[1])} ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: set_up_plot ### ################################# # Determines axis values from data # adds a time stamp # # Args: # x & y data # fPlotFromZero # fPlotEvenAxes # Returns: # plot # set_up_plot <-function(x,y,fPlotFromZero=TRUE, fPlotEvenAxes=FALSE,fDateStamp=TRUE,stampText="",fOuter=FALSE,xAxLabel=colnames(x), yAxLabel=colnames(y), ...){ #print(names(x)) # if # xAxName=colnames(x) # yAxLabel=colnames(y) if(fPlotEvenAxes){ x=c(min(c(x,y)),max(c(x,y))) y=x } if (fPlotFromZero) { plot_y_min=0 plot_x_min=0 } else { plot_y_min=min(y) plot_x_min=min(x) } plot_y_max=max(y) plot_x_max=max(x) plot(c(plot_x_min, plot_x_max),c(plot_y_min, plot_y_max), xlab= xAxLabel , ylab= yAxLabel , type="n", ... ) if (fDateStamp) stampPlot(stampText,fOuter= fOuter) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: hbTimeStamp ### ################################# # Get formatted time and date # # Args (all optional): # sepYMD # sepHMS # sepDateTime # Returns: # character vector # hbTimeStamp<-function(sepYMD="-", sepHMS=".", sepDateTime="_", dateVars=c("Y","m","d"), timeVars=c("I", "M", "S")){ dateSpec=paste(paste("%", dateVars, sep=""), collapse= sepYMD) timeSpec=paste(paste("%", timeVars, sep=""), collapse= sepHMS) paste(format(Sys.time(), dateSpec),paste(format(Sys.time(), timeSpec),substring(format(Sys.time(), "%r"),10,11),sep=""),sep= sepDateTime) } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: breakPlotIntoPages ### ################################# # Breaks data into page-size chunks and calls a plotting function for each chunk # # Args: # dataframe with plot data # optional: desired rows per page # Returns: # multiple plots # breakPlotIntoPages<-function(multipagePlotData,rowsPerPage=40,varList){ #if (! "myPlot" %in% varList) { # print("the 'myPlot' function must exist") # return() # } plotRows=nrow(multipagePlotData) dataBreaks=unique(c(seq(from=1,to=plotRows,by=rowsPerPage),plotRows)) breakCount=length(dataBreaks) penultimateBreakCount= breakCount-1 lastPageRowCount= dataBreaks[breakCount ]-dataBreaks[penultimateBreakCount] for (i in 1:(length(dataBreaks)-1)){ brokenData=multipagePlotData[dataBreaks[i]:dataBreaks[i+1],] xLimVals=c(0,rowsPerPage*1.6) barPos=myPlot(brokenData,xLimVals,1) } } ## a useful function: rev() for strings strReverse <- function(x) sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, NULL), rev), paste, collapse="") ##strReverse(c("abc", "Statistics")) #make transparenbt ################################ ## ## FUNCTION: makeTransparent ## ################################ #Add transparency to colors # Args: # vector of colors in name or hex format, e.g. grey or #FFCDFF # desiredPctTranparent # Returns: # same colors with transparency added # makeTransparent<-function(colorVector=c("#FFCDFF", "#C0108C", "#CB7600"), desiredPctTranparent=50){ #colorVector=c("grey", "blue") if (substr(colorVector[1],0,1)!="#") { colorVector =rgb(t(col2rgb(colorVector)/255)) } s=seq(0,255,length.out=21) transparencyCodes=data.frame(pctTransparent=100*(1-(s/255))) t2=unlist(lapply(s,function(x) rgb(0,100,0,x,maxColorValue=255))) transparencyCodes$hexSuffix= substring(t2,8,9) paste(rgb(t(col2rgb(colorVector)),maxColorValue=255), transparencyCodes[transparencyCodes$pctTransparent== as.character(desiredPctTranparent),2],sep="") } ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: plotMultipleCors ### ################################# # Plots multiple vectors against # a single vector and returns # correlations # # Args: # plotData ## plot data should have x values in first col, and any number of cols after that can be Y ## column names determine legend text # vColors -- a vector of colors the length of each Y col in plotData # ylabText -- text for Y label # legendPos -- legend position, like "topleft" # fNormalizeY -- normalize each Y value so the max val is 100 # Returns: # plot # plotMultipleCors <-function(plotData, vColors="",ylabText="", xlabText ="Breed average creatinine level",legendPos="topleft",fNormalizeY=TRUE,...){ ## plot data should have x values in first col, and any number of cols after that can be Y #test plotData= gAcdDesc[,c("mean","se","sd","Height","Weight")] library(plotrix) x= plotData[,1] if (fNormalizeY) { plotData[,2:ncol(plotData)]=apply(plotData[,2:ncol(plotData)],2,function(y){ # 100*y/max(y) rescale(y,c(0,100)) }) } maxY=max(plotData[,2:ncol(plotData)],na.rm=TRUE) set_up_plot( x,0: maxY,xAxLabel= xlabText, yAxLabel=ylabText ,...) # if (vColors =""){ nColorsNeeded= ncol(plotData)-1 pal1=brewer.pal(8,"Set1") vColors=pal1[rep(1:length(pal1), nColorsNeeded)[1: nColorsNeeded]] # } plotSettings=data.frame(dataName =colnames(plotData[,2:ncol(plotData)]),color= vColors) plotSettings$notNA=apply(plotData[,2:ncol(plotData)],2,function(x){ sum(!is.na(x)) }) plotSettings$legendText= plotSettings$dataName plotSettings$pch=0:(nrow(plotSettings)-1) for (i in 1:nrow(plotSettings)){ y=plotData[,(i+1)] points(x,y,col= plotSettings$color[i],pch=plotSettings$pch[i]) abline(lm(y ~ x),col= plotSettings$color[i]) rsq <-cor(x,y, use="complete.obs") plotSettings$corr_value[i] <- format(c(rsq, 0.123456789), digits=2)[1] ##text(mean(x),mean(y),substitute(paste("R"^{2}, " = "*x),list(x= corr_value) ),cex=1,col= vColors[i-1]) ##legend(210, 110, bquote(r^2 ==.(format(summary(regression)$adj.r.squared,digits=3)))) print(plotSettings$color[i]) } #end for loop legend(legendPos, legend=pasteNS(plotSettings$legendText,", Rsq=",plotSettings$corr_value, ", n=",plotSettings$notNA), pch= plotSettings$pch, col= plotSettings$color) # colnames(plotData[,2:ncol(plotData)]), lty=1, col=vColors) } ## end function ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: plotCors ### ################################# # Plots multiple vectors against # a single vector and returns # correlations # # Args: # plotData ## plot data should have x values in first col, and any number of cols after that can be Y ## column names determine legend text # vColors -- a vector of colors the length of each Y col in plotData # ylabText -- text for Y label # legendPos -- legend position, like "topleft" # fNormalizeY -- normalize each Y value so the max val is 100 # Returns: # plot # plotCors<-function(plotData, vColors="",ylabText=colnames(plotData)[2], xlabText =colnames(plotData)[1],legendPos="topleft",fNormalizeY=TRUE,...){ ## plot data should have x values in first col, and any number of cols after that can be Y #test plotData= gAcdDesc[,c("mean","se","sd","Height","Weight")] #plotData=na.omit(plotData) x= plotData[,1] if (fNormalizeY) { plotData[,2]=100*plotData[,2]/max(plotData[,2]) } y=plotData[,2] set_up_plot( x,y,xAxLabel= xlabText, yAxLabel=ylabText ,...) points(x,y)#,col= plotSettings$color[i]) abline(lm(y ~ x)) #,col= plotSettings$color[i]) rsq <-cor(x,y, use="complete.obs") rsqTxt <- format(c(rsq, 0.123456789), digits=2)[1] ##text(mean(x),mean(y),substitute(paste("R"^{2}, " = "*x),list(x= corr_value) ),cex=1,col= vColors[i-1]) ##legend(210, 110, bquote(r^2 ==.(format(summary(regression)$adj.r.squared,digits=3)))) #print(plotSettings$color[i]) title(sub=pasteNS("Rsq=", rsqTxt )) # colnames(plotData[,colSpec]), lty=1, col=vColors) } ## end function ################################# ### ### FUNCTION: groupSNPsIntoLoci ### ################################# # # find groups of nearby SNPs # # Args: # hitListSnpChrID any kind of chromosome identifier # hitListSnpPos position of snp, either a number of a snp id like chr15.44226659 # maxInterSNPRange the maximum acceptable distance between SNPs # # Returns: # data.frame vector result of paste # data frame contains columns - c("chr", "minPos", "maxPos", "minPVal", "snpCount", "locID", "locusSize") # # find windows in snps groupSNPsIntoLoci<-function(hitListSnpChrID, hitListSnpPos, hitListSnpPVals, maxInterSNPRange=1E6){ #test hitListSnpChrID= # hitListSnpChrID =KCsize_candidates$chrChar # hitListSnpPos=KCsize_candidates$pos # hitListSnpPVals=KCsize_candidates$KC.LOGP if (sum(grepl("chr", hitListSnpPos))>1){ hitListSnpPos=as.numeric(gsub("^[^\\.]*\\.","", hitListSnpPos)) } hitList=data.frame(cbind(hitListSnpChrID, hitListSnpPos, hitListSnpPVals)) colnames(hitList)=c("chr","pos","pval") hitList$pos=as.numeric(hitList$pos) hitList$pval =as.numeric(hitList$pval) # set up variables and record info for first row #assocLocus columns: chr, minPos, minPos, minPVal, snpCount assocLocus<-NULL hitList= hitList[order(hitList$chr, hitList$pos),] currAssocLocus= data.frame(c(hitList[1,c("chr","pos","pos","pval")])) colnames(currAssocLocus)=c("chr", "minPos", "maxPos", "minPVal") currAssocLocus$snpCount[1]=1 #round(hitList[1,"pos"]/1E6,0) hitList$locusID=NA currAssocLocus$locID[1]=pasteNS(hitList[1,"chr"],".",round(hitList[1,"pos"]/1E6,0),"Mb") for (i in 2:nrow(hitList)){ # check each snp if (hitList[i,"chr"]==currAssocLocus$chr[1] & (abs(hitList[i,"pos"]-currAssocLocus$minPos[1])<maxInterSNPRange | abs(hitList[i,"pos"]-currAssocLocus$minPos[1])<maxInterSNPRange)){ # they are on the same chromosome and within maxInterSNPRange of each other # extend the current Association Locus values (update currAssocLocus) currAssocLocus$snpCount[1]=currAssocLocus$snpCount[1]+1 if (hitList[i,"pval"]<currAssocLocus$minPVal[1]) currAssocLocus$minPVal[1]=hitList[i,"pval"] if (hitList[i,"pos"]<currAssocLocus$minPos[1]) currAssocLocus$minPos[1]=hitList[i,"pos"] if (hitList[i,"pos"]>currAssocLocus$maxPos[1]) currAssocLocus$maxPos[1]=hitList[i,"pos"] if (i==nrow(hitList)) assocLocus<-rbind(assocLocus, currAssocLocus) ## add this last locus to the list } else { assocLocus<-rbind(assocLocus, currAssocLocus) currAssocLocus[1,c("chr", "minPos", "maxPos", "minPVal")]=c(hitList[i,c("chr","pos","pos","pval")]) currAssocLocus$snpCount[1]=1 currAssocLocus$locID[1]=pasteNS(hitList[i,"chr"],".",round(hitList[i,"pos"]/1E6,0),"Mb") } hitList$locusID[i]=currAssocLocus$locID[1] } assocLocus=data.frame(assocLocus) assocLocus$locusSize= assocLocus$maxPos-assocLocus$minPos+1 return(assocLocus) }