Pinterest Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup

/ Published in: Python
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This requires:
* BeautifulSoup -
* SoupSelect -

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. def pin_categories():
  2. soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(URL("").download())
  3. cat_list = []
  4. for c in select(soup, ".submenu a"):
  5. cat_list.append(c['href'])
  6. return cat_list
  8. def crawl_pin_category(category):
  9. #TODO: find next pages
  10. soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(URL("" + category).download())
  11. return harvest_pins(soup)
  13. def harvest_pins(soup):
  14. return [p.find("a",{"class":"PinImage ImgLink"})['href'] for p in select(soup, ".pin")]
  16. def grab_pin(pin_id):
  17. soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(URL("" + pin_id).download())
  18. return {
  19. "url": select(soup, 'meta[property="og:url"]')[0]['content'],
  20. "title": select(soup, 'meta[property="og:title"]')[0]['content'],
  21. "description": select(soup, 'meta[property="og:description"]')[0]['content'],
  22. "image": select(soup, 'meta[property="og:image"]')[0]['content'],
  23. "pinboard": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:pinboard"]')[0]['content'],
  24. "pinner": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:pinner"]')[0]['content'],
  25. "source": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:source"]')[0]['content'],
  26. "likes": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:likes"]')[0]['content'],
  27. "repins": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:repins"]')[0]['content'],
  28. "comments": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:comments"]')[0]['content'],
  29. "actions": select(soup, 'meta[property="pinterestapp:actions"]')[0]['content'],
  30. }

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