/ Published in: PHP

I deleted the old one by accident trying to edit it.
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<?php /************************************** seesaw associates | http://seesaw.net client: mysql file: class.mysql.php description: handles mysql paging Copyright (C) 2008 Matt Kenefick(.com) **************************************/ class DB{ var $host; var $user_name; var $password; var $db_name; var $link_id; var $result; var $col; var $query; var $fields; var $records; var $setting; var $debug = false; var $query_count = 0; var $debug_file = "debug.sql"; function settings($key,$value){ $this->setting[$key] = $value; } function init($_host, $_user, $_password, $_db_name){ $this->host = $_host; $this->user_name = $_user; $this->password = $_password; $this->db_name = $_db_name; $this->link_id = @mysql_connect($_host, $_user, $_password) or die("Your website is not properly installed."); } function assign($field, $value){ $this->fields[$field] = ($value)==""?("'".$value."'"):$value; } function assign_str($field, $value){ //$this->fields[$field] = "'".($value)."'"; } } function insert($table){ $f = ""; $v = ""; foreach($this->fields as $field=>$value){ $f.= ($f!=""?", ":"").$field; $v.= ($v!=""?", ":"").$value; } $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$f.") VALUES (".$v.")"; $this->query($sql); return $this->insert_id(); } function update($table, $where){ $f = ""; foreach($this->fields as $field=>$value){ $f.= ($f!=""?", ":"").$field." = ".$value; } $sql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET ".$f." ".$where; $this->query($sql); } function timestampFormat($unixNumber){ /// xxxx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx } function query($_query){ $time_start = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $this->query = $_query; $this->result = @mysql_query($_query, $this->link_id) or die( $_query."<p>".mysql_error($this->link_id) ); $time_end = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $time = $time_end - $time_start; if($this->debug){ $this->query_count ++; $sss = "# ".$this->query_count."\n ".$time." sec \n\n".$_query."\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } return $this->result; } function get_records(){ } return $this->records; } function get_tables_status(){ $this->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `".$this->db_name."`"); if($this->num_rows() > 0){ while($this->movenext()){ $tables[$this->col["Name"]] = $this->col; } return $tables; } return false; } function fetch_array(){ } function num_rows(){ } function fixSlashes(){ if($this->col){ foreach($this->col as $key => $value) return $this->col; } } function movenext(){ if($this->setting['fixSlashes']) return $this->fixSlashes(); else return $this->col; } function done(){ } function insert_id(){ } function affected_rows(){ } } ?>