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@echo off @rem Laurence Toenjes 2012-02-13 @rem Batch file to run gant in standalone mode on Windows @rem because latest gant v1.9.7 batch files do not work. @rem This assume that folders: @rem gant-1.9.7 @rem apache-ant-1.8.2-bin @rem are in the same dir as this batch file @rem and JAVA_HOME has been set correctly. "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" ^ -Xmx128m ^ -Dprogram.name="%~n0" ^ -Dgroovy.home="%GROOVY_HOME%" ^ -Dant.home="%ANT_HOME%" ^ -Dgant.home="%GANT_HOME%" ^ -Dgroovy.starter.conf="%GANT_HOME%\conf\gant-starter.conf" ^ -Dscript.name="%~n0" ^ -classpath "%GROOVY_ALL_JAR%;" ^ org.codehaus.groovy.tools.GroovyStarter ^ --main gant.Gant ^ --conf "%GANT_HOME%\conf\gant-starter.conf" ^ --classpath "." %*