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A Titanium Appcelerator example for implementing Box2D module
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var window = Ti.UI.createWindow(); var view = Ti.UI.createView(); window.add(view); window.open(); // load the module var Box2D = require('ti.box2d'); // create the world, using view as the surface var world = Box2D.createWorld(view); // create a block var redBlock = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor: "red", width: 50, height: 50, top: 0 }); var blueBall = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor: "blue", borderRadius: 15, width: 30, height: 30, top: 100 }); // add the block body to the world var redBodyRef = world.addBody(redBlock, { density: 12.0, friction: 0.3, restitution: 0.4, type: "dynamic" }); // add the ball body to the world var blueBodyRef = world.addBody(blueBall, { radius: 15, density: 12.0, friction: 0.3, restitution: 0.4, type: "dynamic" }); Ti.Gesture.addEventListener('orientationchange', function(e) { if (e.orientation == Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE<em>LEFT) { world.setGravity(9.91, 0); } else if (e.orientation == Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE</em>RIGHT) { world.setGravity(-9.91, 0); } else if (e.orientation == Titanium.UI.UPSIDE_PORTRAIT) { world.setGravity(0, 9.91); } else if (e.orientation == Titanium.UI.PORTRAIT) { world.setGravity(0, -9.91); } }); world.addEventListener("collision", function(e) { if ((e.a == redBodyRef || e.b == redBodyRef) && e.phase == "begin") { Ti.API.info("the red block collided with something"); Ti.API.info(JSON.stringify(e)); Ti.Media.vibrate(); } }); // start the world world.start();
URL: http://lancespellman.com/2011/12/20/cool-box2d-stuff-with-appcelerator-titanium/