/ Published in: JavaScript
It redirects the url with JS.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<script> var limit="0:05" if (document.images){ var parselimit=limit.split(":") parselimit=parselimit[0]*60+parselimit[1]*1 } function begintimer(){ if (!document.images) return if (parselimit==1) window.location="http://<?php echo $kayit["link"]; ?>" else{ parselimit-=1 curmin=Math.floor(parselimit/60) cursec=parselimit%60 if (curmin!=0) curtime=curmin+" minutes and "+cursec+" Saniye Bekleyiniz.." else curtime=cursec+" Saniye Bekleyiniz.." window.status=curtime setTimeout("begintimer()",1000) } } //--> </script>