Wordpress remote posting

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I was looking for a way to post new articles remotely, and cross domain. I only needed to post new articles, not read, edit or anything like that, so I did not need a whole GUI or any other Interface like those WP-Desktop-clients. I wrote this script which calls up my WP server and posts the article. WP handles it accordingly. Now, it works well, but there is a long wait with the fsockopen, it seems to continue until a timeout. if anyone know how to fix that, let me know. please. Beyond that, this isnt perfect, and is obviously left open for changes that will accustom to your own needs. some of this code i used and altered and modified some functions from xmlrpc.php. completely modded tho...

There are actually going to be 2 scripts. 1 is on the WP server, and one will be on the web server that is connecting to Wordpress.

The method. I have to send all the Article peices (title, post, categorys, blah balh) to this script via POST. this could be done with a form or something.

Source: http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic.php?id=5897&replies=5

URL: http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic.php?id=5897&replies=5

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