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"Those who create responsive design for iPhone may be aware of the viewport scaling bug in iPhone Safari. The bug occurs when you set the viewport width to device-width and rotate the phone to landscape view."
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<script type="text/javascript"> (function(doc) { var addEvent = 'addEventListener', type = 'gesturestart', qsa = 'querySelectorAll', scales = [1, 1], meta = qsa in doc ? doc[qsa]('meta[name=viewport]') : []; function fix() { meta.content = 'width=device-width,minimum-scale=' + scales[0] + ',maximum-scale=' + scales[1]; doc.removeEventListener(type, fix, true); } if ((meta = meta[meta.length - 1]) && addEvent in doc) { fix(); scales = [.25, 1.6]; doc[addEvent](type, fix, true); } }(document)); </script>
URL: http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/iphone-safari-viewport-scaling-bug