/ Published in: Python

[from the author's website]
I wrote this to better understand the relationship between RGB colors. Running it will generate a fairly large HTML file with all sorts of color transitions on it so you can see what is happening as colors are tweaked in different ways.
I wrote this to better understand the relationship between RGB colors. Running it will generate a fairly large HTML file with all sorts of color transitions on it so you can see what is happening as colors are tweaked in different ways.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
import string colors = ("00", "33", "66", "99", "CC", "FF") masks = ("#00~00", "#~~00", "#~0000", "#~00~", "#0000~", "#00~~", "#FF~00", "#~~~") f = open("colortest-gradation.html", 'w') f.write("<html><head><title>RGB Gradation</title></head><body bgcolor='black'><tt><b>") f.write("<p><font color='white'>Gentle gradations through RGB color:</font></p>\n") bytes = ("00", "11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77", "88", "99", "AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE", "FF") halfbytes = ("00", "00", "11", "11", "22", "22", "33", "33", "44", "44", "55", "55", "66", "66", "77", "77") for green in bytes: f.write( "<li>" ) for white in bytes: c1 = "#" + white + green + white c2 = "#" + white + white + green c3 = "#" + green + white + white f.write( "<font color='" + c1 + "'>" ) f.write( "T") f.write( "</font>") for white in bytes: c1 = "#" + white + green + white c2 = "#" + white + white + green c3 = "#" + green + white + white f.write( "<font color='" + c2 + "'>" ) f.write( "T") f.write( "</font>") for white in bytes: c1 = "#" + white + green + white c2 = "#" + white + white + green c3 = "#" + green + white + white f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" ) f.write( "T") f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) f.write("<p><font color='white'>Double all bytes to get real color (#0A0 --> #00AA00 etc)</font></p>\n") f.write("<p><font color='white'>Green varied alone, Red/Blue varied together:</font></p>\n") for green in bytes: f.write( "<li>" ) for white in bytes: c1 = "#" + white + green + white c2 = "#" + white + white + green c3 = "#" + green + white + white cout = "#" + c1[1] + c1[3] + c1[5] + " " f.write( "<font color='" + c1 + "'>" ) f.write( cout) f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) f.write("<p><font color='white'>Blue varied alone, Red/Green varied together:</font></p>\n") for green in bytes: f.write( "<li>" ) for white in bytes: c1 = "#" + white + green + white c2 = "#" + white + white + green c3 = "#" + green + white + white cout = "#" + c2[1] + c2[3] + c2[5] + " " f.write( "<font color='" + c2 + "'>" ) f.write( cout) f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) f.write("<p><font color='white'>Red varied alone, Green/Blue varied together:</font></p>\n") for green in bytes: f.write( "<li>" ) for white in bytes: c1 = "#" + white + green + white c2 = "#" + white + white + green c3 = "#" + green + white + white cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " " f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" ) f.write( cout) f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) for red in bytes: f.write("<p><font color='white'>Red locked at " + red + ", other colors varied:</font></p>\n") for green in halfbytes: f.write( "<li>\n") for blue in halfbytes: c3 = "#" + red + green + "00" cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " " f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" ) f.write( cout) f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) for green in bytes: f.write("<p><font color='white'>Green locked at " + green + ", other colors varied:</font></p>\n") for red in bytes: f.write( "<li>\n") for blue in bytes: c3 = "#" + red + green + blue cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " " f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" ) f.write( cout) f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) for blue in bytes: f.write("<p><font color='white'>Blue locked at " + blue + ", other colors varied:</font></p>\n") for green in bytes: f.write( "<li>\n") for red in bytes: c3 = "#" + red + green + blue cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " " f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" ) f.write( cout) f.write( "</font>") f.write( "</li>\n" ) f.write("</b></tt></body></html>") f.close()
URL: http://www.elifulkerson.com/projects/colortest-gradation.php