/ Published in: Python

Created to have a LEO editor file upload itself to dropbox. Just replace your dropbox email in the script. The script will ask you the name of the file without the extension, then will ask for your password and finally it uploads the file.
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import mechanize import sys from grun import grun def upload_file(local_file,remote_dir,remote_file,email,password): """ Upload a local file to Dropbox """ # Fire up a browser using mechanize br = mechanize.Browser() # Browse to the login page br.open('https://www.dropbox.com/login') # Enter the username and password into the login form isLoginForm = lambda l: l.action == "https://www.dropbox.com/login" and l.method == "POST" try: br.select_form(predicate=isLoginForm) except: print("Unable to find login form."); exit(1); br['login_email'] = email br['login_password'] = password # Send the form response = br.submit() # Add our file upload to the upload form once logged in isUploadForm = lambda u: u.action == "https://dl-web.dropbox.com/upload" and u.method == "POST" try: br.select_form(predicate=isUploadForm) except: print("Unable to find upload form."); print("Make sure that your login information is correct."); exit(1); br.form.find_control("dest").readonly = False br.form.set_value(remote_dir,"dest") br.form.add_file(open(local_file,"rb"),"",remote_file) # Submit the form with the file br.submit() if __name__ == "__main__": leofolder = sys.path[0] email = "ENTERYOURDROPBOXEMAIL" #get filename - Is there a variable for this? @grun def ask_filename(filename): """ Enter the name of this LEO file without the extension """ return filename #get password @grun def ask_pass(password): """ Enter your Dropbox Password """ return password filename = ask_filename() password = ask_pass() fullfilepath = leofolder + "\\" + filename + ".leo" #upload_file("local_filename","/Path/In/Dropbox/","remote_filename","[email protected]","password") upload_file(fullfilepath,"/AADW-LEO/",filename + ".leo",email,password) print("Uploaded LEO file")