/ Published in: ActionScript 3

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override protected function scrollPositionChanged():void { if (!useVirtualLayout) { super.scrollPositionChanged(); return; } var g:GroupBase = target; if (!g) return; updateScrollRect(g.width, g.height); var n:int = g.numElements - 1; if (n < 0) { setIndexInView(-1, -1); return; } var scrollR:Rectangle = getScrollRect(); if (!scrollR) { setIndexInView(0, n); return; } var y0:Number = scrollR.top; var y1:Number = scrollR.bottom - .0001; if (y1 <= y0) { setIndexInView(0, n); return; } var i0:int, i1:int; if (y0 < 0) { i0 = 0; i1 = yToIndex.length - 1 > g.height ? yToIndex[g.height + 1] : g.numElements - 1; setIndexInView(i0, i1); return; } if (y1 < yToIndex.length - 1) { i0 = yToIndex[Math.floor(y0)]; i1 = yToIndex[Math.ceil(y1)]; } else { if (yToIndex.length - 1 - g.height < 0) i0 = 0; else i0 = yToIndex[yToIndex.length - 1 - g.height]; i1 = yToIndex[yToIndex.length - 1]; } setIndexInView(i0, i1); //invalidate display list only if we have items that are not already renderered if (i0 < currentFirstIndex || i1 > currentLastIndex) { g.invalidateDisplayList(); } }
URL: http://corlan.org/?p=2987