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#!/usr/bin/env python # Run with no args for usage instructions # # Notes: # - will probably insert duplicate records if you load the same file twice # - assumes that the number of fields in the header row is the same # as the number of columns in the rest of the file and in the database # - assumes the column order is the same in the file and in the database # # Speed: ~ 1s/MB # import sys import MySQLdb import csv def main(user, db, table, csvfile): try: conn = getconn(user, db,) except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit (1) cursor = conn.cursor() loadcsv(cursor, table, csvfile) cursor.close() conn.close() def getconn(user, db, passwd=""): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = "localhost", user = user, passwd = "", db = db) return conn def nullify(L): """Convert empty strings in the given list to None.""" # helper function def f(x): if(x == ""): return None else: return x return [f(x) for x in L] def loadcsv(cursor, table, filename): """ Open a csv file and load it into a sql table. Assumptions: - the first line in the file is a header """ f = csv.reader(open(filename)) header = f.next() numfields = len(header) query = buildInsertCmd(table, numfields) for line in f: vals = nullify(line) cursor.execute(query, vals) return def buildInsertCmd(table, numfields): """ Create a query string with the given table name and the right number of format placeholders. example: >>> buildInsertCmd("foo", 3) 'insert into foo values (%s, %s, %s)' """ assert(numfields > 0) placeholders = (numfields-1) * "%s, " + "%s" query = ("insert into %s" % table) + (" values (%s)" % placeholders) return query if __name__ == '__main__': # commandline execution args = sys.argv[1:] if(len(args) < 4): print "error: arguments: user db table csvfile" sys.exit(1) main(*args)