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tell application "Keychain Scripting" set myKeyChain to current keychain set theKeyList to every generic key of myKeyChain whose description is "iTunes innlogging" end tell set theKeyNamesList to {} repeat with x in theKeyList copy name of x to the end of theKeyNamesList end repeat set selectedKey to text of button returned of (display dialog "Velg hvilken konto du vil logge inn med:" buttons theKeyNamesList) tell application "Keychain Scripting" repeat with x from 1 to (length of theKeyList) set theKey to item x of theKeyList if the name of theKey is selectedKey then set thePassword to password of theKey set theUserID to the account of theKey end if end repeat end tell tell application "System Events" tell process "iTunes" set frontmost to true try click menu item "Logg av" of menu "Butikk" of menu bar item "Butikk" of menu bar 1 end try click menu item "Logg p�¥â�¦" of menu "Butikk" of menu bar item "Butikk" of menu bar 1 keystroke theUserID keystroke tab keystroke thePassword keystroke return delay 3 keystroke return end tell end tell