Posted By

bfrank on 04/09/11



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  1. % 10.10 Project
  2. % Spring 2011
  3. % Jackie Simpson and Ben Frank
  4. %==========================================================================
  5. % Program Entry ||
  6. %==========================================================================
  7. function Project_OLED_Dyes
  8. % This is the top-level routine of the program. This is also the program
  9. % entry-point.
  10. %
  11. % Tasks accomplished by this method:
  12. %
  13. % 1. Sets global parameters for all parts of process by means of calling
  14. % functions that define numerical parameters for materials, reactions, processing
  15. % units, and various economic parameters
  16. %
  17. % 2. After user input, determines whether program flow will proceed to
  18. % carry out simple simulation for given values of the optimization
  19. % variables, or automatic optimization
  20. %
  21. % 3. Calls optimizer or directs simple simulation
  22. %
  23. % 4. Displays the results of the simulation of optimization
  24. %
  25. % INPUTS - none (top-level routine)
  26. %
  27. % OUPUTS - This routine in itself has no outputs but it directs the
  28. % necessary subroutines to produce all output from the program
  29. %
  30. global FigureNumber
  31. global ReactorHeater ReactionHeatingPeriod AmountSolvent_S2
  32. % These are the 3 global optimization variables
  33. %
  34. %::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  35. % Step 1 - Set the parameters ::
  36. %::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::------------------------------------------
  37. %
  38. FigureNumber = 0;
  39. Set_Parameters;
  40. % This function will set all the necessary parameters to their appropriate
  41. % starting values
  43. %::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  44. % Step 2 - set the type of problem to be solved ::
  45. %::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::------------------------
  46. %
  47. % invoke the graphical user interface
  48. mygui;
  49. % At this point, program control shifts to the user to define the type of
  50. % problem to be solved. The user will do this by selecting one of two
  51. % buttons. Then, the function mygui will call the necessary methods to
  52. % solve the problem, passing whatever variables are necessary to the simulator
  53. % and optimizer methods as inputted by the user.
  54. end

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