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Some font family stacks that I found on [unitinteractive.com](http://unitinteractive.com/blog/2008/06/26/better-css-font-stacks/)
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Arial, “Helvetica Neueâ€, Helvetica, sans-serif - p, t Baskerville, “Times New Romanâ€, Times, serif - p Baskerville, Times, “Times New Romanâ€, serif - t Cambria, Georgia, Times, “Times New Romanâ€, serif - p, t “Century Gothicâ€, “Apple Gothicâ€, sans-serif - p, t Consolas, “Lucida Consoleâ€, Monaco, monospace - p, t “Copperplate Lightâ€, “Copperplate Gothic Lightâ€, serif - p, t “Courier Newâ€, Courier, monospace - p, t “Franklin Gothic Mediumâ€, “Arial Narrow Boldâ€, Arial, sans-serif - p, t Futura, “Century Gothicâ€, AppleGothic, sans-serif - p, t Garamond, “Hoefler Textâ€, Times New Roman, Times, serif - p Garamond, “Hoefler Textâ€, Palatino, “Palatino Linotypeâ€, serif - t Geneva, “Lucida Sansâ€, “Lucida Grandeâ€, “Lucida Sans Unicodeâ€, Verdana, sans-serif - p Geneva, Verdana, “Lucida Sansâ€, “Lucida Grandeâ€, “Lucida Sans Unicodeâ€, sans-serif - t Georgia, Palatino,†Palatino Linotypeâ€, Times, “Times New Romanâ€, serif - p Georgia, Times, “Times New Romanâ€, serif - t “Gill Sansâ€, Calibri, “Trebuchet MSâ€, sans-serif - p “Gill Sansâ€, “Trebuchet MSâ€, Calibri, sans-serif - t “Helvetica Neueâ€, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif - p Helvetica, “Helvetica Neueâ€, Arial, sans-serif - t Impact, Haettenschweiler, “Arial Narrow Boldâ€, sans-serif - p, t “Lucida Sansâ€, “Lucida Grandeâ€, “Lucida Sans Unicodeâ€, sans-serif - p, t Palatino, “Palatino Linotypeâ€, Georgia, Times, “Times New Romanâ€, serif - p Palatino, “Palatino Linotypeâ€, “Hoefler Textâ€, Times, “Times New Romanâ€, serif - t Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana - p Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva - t Times, “Times New Romanâ€, Georgia, serif - p, t “Trebuchet MSâ€, “Lucida Sans Unicodeâ€, “Lucida Grandeâ€,†Lucida Sansâ€, Arial, sans-serif - p “Trebuchet MSâ€, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif - t Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif - p Verdana, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif - t
URL: http://unitinteractive.com/blog/2008/06/26/better-css-font-stacks/