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Public Function isbn13toisbn10(ByVal isbn13) Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim d As Integer Dim e As Integer Dim f As Integer Dim g As Integer Dim h As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim l As Integer Dim m As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim o As Object Dim n2 As Integer Dim isbnarr(12) For i = 0 To 12 isbnarr(i) = CInt(Mid(isbn13, i + 1, 1)) Next a = isbnarr(0) b = isbnarr(1) c = isbnarr(2) d = isbnarr(3) e = isbnarr(4) f = isbnarr(5) g = isbnarr(6) h = isbnarr(7) i = isbnarr(8) j = isbnarr(9) k = isbnarr(10) l = isbnarr(11) m = isbnarr(12) n = (d * 10) + (9 * e) + (8 * f) + (7 * g) + (6 * h) + (5 * i) + (4 * j) + (3 * k) + (2 * l) o = (11 * n2) - n If o = 10 Then o = "X" ElseIf o = 11 Then o = 0 End If isbn13toisbn10 = CStr(d & e & f & g & h & i & j & k & l & o) End Function
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