/ Published in: jQuery

When applied to a page, this script converts any sub-menus created in the Wordpress menu editor into drop-down menus without having to specify each menu item individually. Fades in sub-menu of selected list item quickly, then fades out when leaving list item or sub-menu. See url above.
Only decided to post this because I couldn't find anything similar and was sick of working with inefficient menu creator plugins in WP.
Only decided to post this because I couldn't find anything similar and was sick of working with inefficient menu creator plugins in WP.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
//the container wrapping the menu var menuContainer = '#mainnavigation'; $(document).ready(function() { //hover display for main menu items $(menuContainer+' ul.menu li').hover( //on enter function() { selectedItem = this.id; $(menuContainer+' ul li#'+selectedItem+' ul.sub-menu').fadeIn('fast'); }, //on leave function() { selectedItem = this.id; $(menuContainer+' ul li#'+selectedItem+' ul.sub-menu').fadeOut('fast'); } ); });
URL: http://www.happynuclear.com/sandbox/wpsubdropper/version1.html