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import re TAG = r""" <\s* (?!\s*[!"]) (?P<close>\s*\/)? (?P<name>\w+) ( [^'"\t >]+ | "[^\"]*"['\"]* | '[^']*'['\"]* | \s+ )* (?P<selfcont>\s*\/\s*)? \s*> """ UNI = set(["br", "hr", "img", "input", "area", "link"]) INDENT = " "*4 def pretty_xmlish(s): """ This is a robust, general indenter for XML-ish data. Returns a list of lines. """ data, offset, indent, prev = [], 0, 0, None for i in re.finditer(TAG, s, re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE): start, end = i.span() name = i.group("name") if start > offset: txt = [] for x in textwrap.dedent(s[offset:start]).split("\n"): if x.strip(): txt.append(indent*INDENT + x) data.extend(txt) if i.group("close") and not (name in UNI and name==prev): indent = max(indent - 1, 0) data.append(indent*INDENT + i.group().strip()) offset = end if not any([i.group("close"), i.group("selfcont"), name in UNI]): indent += 1 prev = name return data