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<FORM NAME=frm ACTION=search.php METHOD=POST> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 NAME=q> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Search> </FORM> <? if($q != null) { $cont = get($url); if($cont == null) { echo "no result"; exit; } // echo $cont; $idx = 0; $PROFILE_IMAGE_URL = "\"profile_image_url\":\""; $USER = "\"from_user\":\""; $ID = "\"id_str\":\""; $TEXT = "\"text\":\""; echo "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=500 STYLE=font-size:10pt;>"; // echo utf8_urldecode($text)."<br>"; echo "<TR><TD ALIGH=LEFT><IMG SRC=".$image_url."></TD>"; echo "<TD> writer : ".$user."<BR>"; echo utf8_urldecode($text)."</TD></TR>"; echo "<TR><TD HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR=SILVER COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>"; ++$idx; } } // convert unicode to korean language function utf8_urldecode($str) { } // get web page function get($url) { if($url){ $temp .= $tmp; } } return $temp; } ?>