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DIV id mainid WHEN AND NONEMPTY header POSITION element :display-text-title sequence headel TAG class WHEN AND EQUALS value1 align value2 :center NOT CALL :yhst-16600815412482-has-price "contenttitle-center" id headerid tag "h1" TEXT header WHEN CALL :has-price. TEXT "<div id=\"fb-root\"></div><script language=\"javascript\">if(runInitFB) {window.fbAsyncInit = function() {FB.init({appId: \"25966453290\",xfbml: true});};(function() {var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js';document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);}());}</script><div class=\"fbDiv\"><fb:like show_faces='false' layout='standard' width='300px' href='http://YOURDOMAIN.COM/" TEXT AS-STRING id TEXT ".html'></fb:like></div>" WHEN OR NONEMPTY @code CALL :yhst-16600815412482-has-price CALL :yhst-16600815412482-display-item align headel imgclass WHEN OR NONEMPTY text image CALL :yhst-16600815412482-display-paras textid text image h w align area headel imgclass LINEBREAK clear :all
URL: http://e-commsolution.com/facebook-like-button/