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/* EXAMPLE USAGE: placeholderize('placeholder-on', document); EXAMPLE CSS: .placeholder-on { color: #85929C !important; } :-moz-placeholder { color: #85929C !important; } ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #85929C !important; } :placeholder { color: #85929C !important; } */ function placeholderize(cssClassName, parent) { var testInput = document.createElement('input'); var testTexarea = document.createElement('textarea'); if (!('placeholder' in testInput) || !('placeholder' in testTexarea)) { setup(); } function setup() { parent = parent || document; var cssClassNameRegex = new RegExp('\\b' + cssClassName + '\\b', 'g'); var i = 0; var input; var inputs; if (!('placeholder' in testInput)) { inputs = parent.getElementsByTagName('input'); while ((input = inputs[i++])) { if ( !! input.getAttribute('placeholder')) { setupElement(input); } } i = 0; } if (!('placeholder' in testTexarea)) { inputs = parent.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); while ((input = inputs[i++])) { if ( !! input.getAttribute('placeholder')) { setupElement(input); } } } // shortcut to add listeners function listen(el, type, fn) { if (document.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { el.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); } } function setupElement(input) { if (input.placeholderized) { return; } input.placeholderized = true; // style stylePlaceholder(input); // observers if (input.type == 'password') { setupPassword(input); } else { setupText(input); } if (input.form && input.form.tagName) { listen(input.form, 'submit', function() { clearIfPlaceholder(input); }); } } function setupPassword(input) { var passwordInput = input; var parent = passwordInput.parentNode; var textInput = document.createElement('input'); var copyAttr = function (dest, source, attr) { var name, i = 0; while ((name = attr[i++])) { dest.setAttribute(name, source.getAttribute(name)); } }; var showText = function () { // if password value is empty, show text input with placeholder if (passwordInput.value == '' && passwordInput.parentNode) { textInput.value = passwordInput.getAttribute('placeholder'); parent.replaceChild(textInput, passwordInput); } }; var showPassword = function () { // show password input if (textInput.parentNode) { parent.replaceChild(passwordInput, textInput); window.setTimeout(function () { // IE needs a moment to add the password to the DOM tree before focusing (tested on IE8) passwordInput.focus(); }, 10); } }; textInput.type = 'text'; copyAttr(textInput, passwordInput, 'id class style title size maxlength'.split(' ')); stylePlaceholder(passwordInput); listen(textInput, 'focus', showPassword); listen(passwordInput, 'blur', showText); showText(); } function setIfEmpty(input) { if (input.value == '' || input.value == input.getAttribute('placeholder')) { input.value = input.getAttribute('placeholder'); stylePlaceholder(input); } else { styleInput(input); } } function clearIfPlaceholder(input) { if (input.value == input.getAttribute('placeholder')) { input.value = ''; styleInput(input); } } function setupText(input) { // add listeners listen(input, 'focus', function() { clearIfPlaceholder(input); }); listen(input, 'blur', function() { setIfEmpty(input); }); // initialize placeholders clearIfPlaceholder(input); setIfEmpty(input); } function stylePlaceholder(input) { if (cssClassName) { addCssClass(input); } else { input.style.color = '#A9A9A9'; } } function styleInput(input) { if (cssClassName) { removeCssClass(input); } else { input.style.color = ''; } } function removeCssClass(input) { input.className = input.className.replace(cssClassNameRegex, '').replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1"); } function addCssClass(input) { removeCssClass(input); input.className = (input.className.length > 0 ? input.className + ' ' : '') + cssClassName; } } }
URL: placeholderize