/ Published in: JavaScript

For this snippet you need the files: yahoo-dom-event.js and animation-min.js from the Yahoo User Interface Library (version 2.4.1).
To use this snippet add a class "toggle" to a link which should toggle the effect. To this link add a rel attribute. This attribute contains: id of object to toggle, animation type, animation duration.
Toggle element #1
This will toggle the div with id "example1", the effect used will be "fade" and it will take "20" frames.
To use this snippet add a class "toggle" to a link which should toggle the effect. To this link add a rel attribute. This attribute contains: id of object to toggle, animation type, animation duration.
Toggle element #1
This will toggle the div with id "example1", the effect used will be "fade" and it will take "20" frames.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; var Event = YAHOO.util.Event; var $ = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // YUI TOGGLE // 1/22/2008 - Edwart Visser & AW // // toggle the visibility // // REQUIRES: yahoo-dom-event.js // OPTIONAL: animation-min.js // //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YAHOO.namespace("lutsr"); YAHOO.lutsr.doToggle = { init : function() { this.toggleLinks = Dom.getElementsByClassName("toggle"); for(var i=0; i<this.toggleLinks.length; i++) { Event.addListener(this.toggleLinks[i],"click",this.animateElements,this); } }, toggleElements : function(e,controlNode,refEl) { if(controlNode && refEl) { if(Dom.hasClass(refEl,"show")) { Dom.removeClass(controlNode,"selected"); Dom.removeClass(refEl,"show"); } else { Dom.addClass(controlNode,"selected"); Dom.addClass(refEl,"show"); } } // to disable control node's default behaviour return false; }, animateElements : function(e,obj) { // obj = javascript toggle object // this = link clicked Event.preventDefault(e); if(this.rel) { controlNode = this; } if(typeof(controlNode) == "string") { controlNode = Dom.get(controlNode); } // objParameters // [0] = object id // [1] = animation type (fade, slide) // [2] = animation duration (seconds) var linkClicked = this; var objParameters = controlNode.rel.split(","); var refEl = Dom.get(objParameters[0]); var objStatus = Dom.hasClass(refEl,"show"); // if true, object is shown switchClasses = function() { obj.toggleOtherElements(e,linkClicked,refEl); obj.toggleElements(e,linkClicked,refEl); } if(objParameters[1] == "fade") { if(objStatus == true) { var attributes = { opacity: { from: .999, to: 0 } } var objAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(objParameters[0],attributes); objAnim.useSeconds = false; objAnim.duration = objParameters[2]; objAnim.onComplete.subscribe(switchClasses); objAnim.animate(); } else { Dom.setStyle(objParameters[0],"opacity",0); switchClasses(); var attributes = { opacity: { from: 0, to: .999 } } var objAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(objParameters[0],attributes); objAnim.useSeconds = false; objAnim.duration = objParameters[2]; objAnim.animate(); } } else if (objParameters[1] == "slide") { // not implemented yet } else { // NO ANIMATION - switch classes switchClasses(); } }, toggleOtherElements : function(e,linkClicked,refEl) { // toggle selected state of other elements pointing to the same source for(var i=0; i<this.toggleLinks.length; i++) { var objParameters = this.toggleLinks[i].rel.split(","); var linkClickedParameters = linkClicked.rel.split(","); if(objParameters[0] == linkClickedParameters[0]) { if(Dom.hasClass(this.toggleLinks[i],"selected")) { Dom.removeClass(this.toggleLinks[i],"selected"); } else { Dom.addClass(this.toggleLinks[i],"selected"); } } } } } initPage = function() { YAHOO.lutsr.doToggle.init(); } Event.addListener(window,"load",initPage);
URL: http://www.lutsr.nl/yui/toggle/