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// Prepare stage Stage.align ="TL"; // VIDEO FULLSCREEN // ****************************************************************************************************** // Prepare connection var myNetConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); myNetConnection.connect(null); // Stream video // "video" is the video symbol in the library var myNetStream:NetStream = new NetStream(myNetConnection); video.attachVideo(myNetStream); // Smooth video.smoothing = true; // Start playing myNetStream.play("video.flv"); myNetStream.seek(0.3); // VIDEO SIZE function setVideoSize():Void { // Stage Dimensions var wStage:Number = Stage.width; var hStage:Number = Stage.height; // Adapt based on width video._width = Stage.width; video._yscale = video._xscale; // Adapth based on height if( video._height < hStage ) { //scale video._height = Stage.height; video._xscale = video._Yscale; // centered video._x = ((video._width - Stage.width) / 2) * (-1); } } // RESIZE STAGE // ****************************************************************************************************** // Create listener var resizeStage:Object = new Object(); // Detect resize resizeStage.onResize = function() { // Video setVideoSize(); } // Activates listener Stage.addListener(resizeStage);