/ Published in: jQuery

This is a snippet for grabbing and displaying a public user twitter timeline from Twitter's API using jQuery ajax().
As a bonus, it also gives some hinting on how to test if its a retweet, and if so, grab the original tweeter's information - so the timeline looks more like twitter.com's timline.
As a bonus, it also gives some hinting on how to test if its a retweet, and if so, grab the original tweeter's information - so the timeline looks more like twitter.com's timline.
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$.ajax({ type:'GET', dataType:'jsonp', url:'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json', data:{screen_name:'USERNAME', include_rts:1}, //show retweets success:function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { var tmp = false; var results = $('#twitter_results'); console.log(data); for(i in data) { if(data[i].retweeted_status != null) { tmp = $('<li class="retweet" itemid="'+data[i].retweeted_status.id_str+'"><div class="dogear"></div><img src="'+data[i].retweeted_status.user.profile_image_url+'" alt="" align="left" width="48" height="48" /><cite>'+data[i].retweeted_status.user.screen_name+'</cite><p>'+data[i].retweeted_status.text.linkify_tweet()+'</p></li>'); if(data[i].retweeted_status.favorited) { tmp.addClass('favorite'); } } else { tmp = $('<li itemid="'+data[i].id_str+'"><div class="dogear"></div><img src="'+data[i].user.profile_image_url+'" alt="" align="left" width="48" height="48" /><cite>'+data[i].user.screen_name+'</cite><p>'+data[i].text.linkify_tweet()+'</p></li>'); if(data[i].favorited) { tmp.addClass('favorite'); } } results.append(tmp); } }, error:function(req, status, error) { alert('error: '+status); } });