Active radio view code

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This is used in daikon back-end Project spec to choose Yes or No for Active

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. // view code
  3. echo "<li id=\"activeli\">\n<label for='active'>".form_label($this->lang->line('userlib_active'),'active')."</label>";
  4. echo "<div>\n<span>\n".$this->lang->line('general_yes');
  5. $datayes = array(
  6. 'name' => 'active',
  7. 'id' => 'activeyes',
  8. 'value' => '1',
  9. 'checked' => TRUE,
  11. );
  12. echo form_radio($datayes);
  13. echo "</span>\n";
  14. echo "<span>\n".$this->lang->line('general_no');
  15. $datano = array(
  16. 'name' => 'active',
  17. 'id' => 'activeno',
  18. 'value' => '0',
  19. );
  20. echo form_radio($datano);
  21. echo "</span>\n</div>\n</li>\n";

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