Hibernate Maven 2 Plugin Configuration Sample

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  1. <plugin>
  2. <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>hibernate3-maven-plugin</artifactId>
  4. <version>2.0-alpha-2</version>
  5. <configuration>
  6. <components>
  7. <component>
  8. <name>hbm2ddl</name>
  9. <implementation>
  10. annotationconfiguration
  11. </implementation>
  12. <outputDirectory>
  13. target/derby-ddl
  14. </outputDirectory>
  15. </component>
  16. <component>
  17. <name>hbm2hbmxml</name>
  18. <outputDirectory>
  19. target/hbm
  20. </outputDirectory>
  21. </component>
  22. <component>
  23. <name>hbm2java</name>
  24. <outputDirectory>
  25. target/java
  26. </outputDirectory>
  27. <implementation>
  28. annotationconfiguration
  29. </implementation>
  30. </component>
  31. <component>
  32. <name>schema-export</name>
  33. <outputDirectory>
  34. target/schema-export
  35. </outputDirectory>
  36. </component>
  37. </components>
  38. <componentProperties>
  39. <drop>false</drop>
  40. <configurationfile>
  41. src/main/resources/hibernate.derby.cfg.xml
  42. </configurationfile>
  43. <revengfile>
  44. src/main/hibernate-generation/derby.reveng.xml
  45. </revengfile>
  46. <jdk5>true</jdk5>
  47. <ejb3>true</ejb3>
  48. <!--
  49. <outputfilename>
  50. hbm2ddl-derby.sql
  51. </outputfilename>
  52. -->
  53. </componentProperties>
  54. </configuration>
  55. </plugin>

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