/ Published in: Ruby

RPC is an alternative to SOAP or REST. If you find a webservice that has an implementation, here is are a few ways to make it work using Ruby
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#Example 1: Find a State in a Specific Sort Order #A. Import the XMLPRC Library (Thanx Michael Nuemann) require 'xmlrpc/client' #B. You have to define the web address that will run the RPC against server = XMLRPC::Client.new2('http://betty.userland.com/RPC2') puts server.call('examples.getStateName', 1) #Example 2: Find product information based on a UPC number #C. You have to define the web address that will run the RPC against server = XMLRPC::Client.new2('http://dev.upcdatabase.com/rpc') #D. lookupUPC is a method, the number is a product UPC @item = server.call('lookupUPC', '720642442524') #E. Store the result in an array p @item puts "Description :: " + @item["description"] puts "Type :: " + @item["size"]