Working with spatial extension

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In this snippet we have one table with GPS points of Queensland (Australia) borders and table of polygons. One of the polygons are created from QLD points by procedure **createPolygon**. Function **checkCoordinatesInPolygon** can check whether GPS coordinates are within some polygon or not.

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  1. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `points`;
  2. CREATE TABLE `points` (
  3. `coordinates` point NOT NULL,
  4. `type` varchar(20) DEFAULT 'click',
  5. `to_text` varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
  6. `description` text DEFAULT '',
  7. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  8. SPATIAL KEY `coordinates` (`coordinates`)
  10. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `polygons`;
  11. CREATE TABLE `polygons` (
  12. `polygon_data` polygon NOT NULL,
  13. `type` varchar(20) DEFAULT 'click',
  14. `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
  15. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  16. SPATIAL KEY `polygon_data` (`polygon_data`)
  18. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-16.88866 138.164063)') , type = 'QLD', to_text = '-16.88866 138.164063', `description` = 'Queensland border'; # First/Last point
  19. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-25.972532 138.186035)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-25.972532 138.186035', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  20. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-25.972532 141.262207)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-25.972532 141.262207', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  21. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-28.897268 141.262207)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-28.897268 141.262207', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  22. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-28.820292 148.952637)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-28.820292 148.952637', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  23. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-28.279873 150.270996)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-28.279873 150.270996', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  24. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-28.704722 151.501465)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-28.704722 151.501465', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  25. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-28.550429 153.391113)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-28.550429 153.391113', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  26. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-22.97323 150.534668)') , type = 'QLD', to_text = '-22.97323 150.534668', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  27. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-18.994263 146.052246)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-18.994263 146.052246', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  28. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-14.705467 144.470215)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-14.705467 144.470215', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  29. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-14.620439 143.635254)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-14.620439 143.635254', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  30. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-11.280414 142.536621)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-11.280414 142.536621', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  31. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-16.988152 141.350098)'), type = 'QLD', to_text = '-16.988152 141.350098', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  32. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-18.03585 140.251465)') , type = 'QLD', to_text = '-18.03585 140.251465', `description` = 'Queensland border';
  33. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-16.88866 138.164063)') , type = 'QLD', to_text = '-16.88866 138.164063', `description` = 'Queensland border'; # First/Last point
  36. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-19.367813 141.04248)') , type = 'QLD_AREA_1', to_text = '-19.367813,141.04248', `description` = 'Queensland block/1';
  37. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-25.100192 141.306152)') , type = 'QLD_AREA_1', to_text = '-25.100192,141.306152', `description` = 'Queensland block/1';
  38. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-22.97323 150.534668)') , type = 'QLD_AREA_1', to_text = '-22.97323,150.534668', `description` = 'Queensland block/1';
  39. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-18.994263 146.052246)') , type = 'QLD_AREA_1', to_text = '-18.994263,146.052246', `description` = 'Queensland block/1';
  40. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-19.367813 141.04248)') , type = 'QLD_AREA_1', to_text = '-19.367813,141.04248', `description` = 'Queensland block/1';
  42. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-21.646536 143.217773)') , type = 'click', to_text = '-21.646536,143.217773', `description` = 'QLD, IN!';
  43. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-20.662941 134.165039)') , type = 'click', to_text = '-20.662941,134.165039', `description` = 'Northern territory, OUT!';
  44. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(-27.867569 144.008789)') , type = 'click', to_text = '-27.867569,144.008789', `description` = 'QLD, IN!';
  45. INSERT INTO `points` SET `coordinates` = GeomFromText('POINT(50.068658 14.430542)') , type = 'click', to_text = '50.068658,14.430542', `description` = 'Europe/prague, OUT!';
  48. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS createPolygon;
  49. DELIMITER //
  50. CREATE PROCEDURE createPolygon(IN `pointType` VARCHAR(50))
  51. DECLARE pointIdStart int;
  52. DECLARE pointIdEnd int;
  53. DECLARE polygonData text DEFAULT '';
  54. DECLARE polygonToInsert polygon;
  55. DECLARE coord text DEFAULT '';
  57. SET pointIdStart = (SELECT MIN(`id`) as `id` FROM `points` WHERE `type` = pointType LIMIT 1);
  58. SET pointIdEnd = (SELECT MAX(`id`) as `id` FROM `points` WHERE `type` = pointType LIMIT 1);
  60. WHILE pointIdStart <= pointIdEnd DO
  61. SET coord = (SELECT `to_text` FROM `points` WHERE `type` = pointType AND `id` = pointIdStart LIMIT 1);
  62. SET coord = REPLACE(coord, ',', ' ');
  63. SET polygonData = concat(coord, ',', polygonData);
  64. SET pointIdStart = pointIdStart + 1;
  65. END WHILE;
  66. SET polygonToInsert = GeomFromText(CONCAT('POLYGON((', SUBSTR(polygonData, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(polygonData) - 1) , '))'));
  67. INSERT INTO `polygons` SET `polygon_data` = polygonToInsert, `type` = pointType, `description` = '';
  68. END//
  70. CALL createPolygon('QLD');
  71. CALL createPolygon('QLD_AREA_1');
  73. /**
  74.  * FUNCTION THAT CHECKS WHETHER coordinate IS WITHIN polygon
  75.  * @param VARCHAR(50) Lat,Lng
  76.  * @param VARCHAR(50) Name/Type of polygon
  77.  */
  78. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS checkCoordinatesInPolygon;
  79. DELIMITER //
  80. CREATE FUNCTION checkCoordinatesInPolygon(`coordinates` VARCHAR(50),`polygonType` VARCHAR(50)) RETURNS int
  81. DECLARE polygonData polygon;
  82. SET polygonData = (SELECT polygon_data FROM `polygons` WHERE `type` = polygonType LIMIT 1);
  83. SET coordinates = REPLACE(coordinates, ',', ' ');
  84. RETURN (SELECT contains(polygonData, GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', coordinates ,')'))) LIMIT 1);
  85. END//
  87. SELECT checkCoordinatesInPolygon('-20.730086,144.470215', 'QLD_AREA_1'), checkCoordinatesInPolygon('-22.97323,139.680176', 'QLD_AREA_1'), checkCoordinatesInPolygon('-21.386249,143.986816', 'QLD_AREA_1');

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