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# Run RV as flipbook # # Based on: framecycler_this.py, ships with Nuke #Copyright (c) 2007 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. import platform import sys import os.path import re import thread import nuke import nukescripts rv_path="" if rv_path == "": try: rv_path = os.environ["RV_PATH"] except: if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): rv_path = "C:\\Program Files\\Tweak\\RV-3.5\\bin\\rv.exe" elif platform.system() in ('Darwin', 'Apple'): rv_path = "/Applications/RV.app/Contents/MacOS/RV" else: rv_path = "rv" #def rv_this(node, arg = 0): def rv_this(node,start,end,incr, views=''): global rv_path if not os.access(rv_path, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError("RV cannot be executed (%s)." % (rv_path,) ) filename = nuke.filename(node) filenameL = '' filenameR = '' node = nuke.selectedNode() if '%v' in filename : if 'left' in views: filenameL = filename.replace ('%v','l') if 'right' in views: filenameR = filename.replace ('%v','r') filename = '%s %s' % (filenameL, filenameR) if '%V' in filename : if 'left' in views: filenameL = filename.replace ('%V','left') if 'right' in views: filenameR = filename.replace ('%V','right') filename = '%s %s' % (filenameL, filenameR) if filename is None or filename == "": raise RuntimeError("RV cannot be executed on '%s', expected to find a filename and there was none." % (node.fullName(),) ) sequence_interval = str(start)+"-"+str(end) os.path.normpath(filename) args = [] rv_path = os.path.normpath(rv_path) padding = re.search('%[0-9]+d',filename).group() try: padding except: raise RuntimeError ('Issue with the padding...please check into it') filename = filename.replace(padding,sequence_interval + '#') if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): args.append( "\"" + rv_path + "\"" ) args.append( "[ " + filename + " ]" ) else: args.append( rv_path ) args.append(filename) #args.append(sequence_interval) #args.append( "-ns" ) # Nuke sequence format # un-comment to apply gamma to linear EXRs #args.append("-gamma") #args.append("2.2") #args.append("-play") # play on launch args.append("-c") # region cache os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAITO, rv_path, args)