Send free sms through way2sms (India)

/ Published in: Python
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This python script takes the SMS message and phone number as arguments.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n Before you run this script, please 1) search for \\\\\\\'yourusername\\\\\\\' in this file and replace it with your username. 2) search for \\\\\\\'yourpassword\\\\\\\' in this file and replace it with your password 3) save the file as way2sms and set executable permissions to this file\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n Running the script ./way2sms \\\\\\\"Hi, how are you?\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"9876543210\\\\\\\"\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n The first argument is the message and the second argument is the phone number to which you want to send sms to.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n I tested this script in fedora as well as windows XP (of course, with all necessary python modules installed). I can\\\\\\\'t guarantee that this script will run in future as way2sms website changes too often :p


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