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#!/usr/bin/env python # Author: Ben Bradley - [email protected] # Program for making some changes to a sql file, i dunno import sys def ioerror(reason=None): ''' Used to clean up when any of the file operations raise exceptions ''' if reason: if reason == 'input': print ("Error: couldn't open input file for reading") elif reason == 'output': print ("Error: couldn't open output file for writing") else: print ("Error: cause unknown") sys.exit(1) def linenumber(filelinesarray, currentelement): ''' If a file has been read into an array of lines with file.readlines() it is useful to know which element corresponds to which line number. ''' # Use str rather than int because linenumber() is always for printing # saves many str() calls return str(filelinesarray.index(currentelement)+1) def insertafter(infilelines, targetline, conf): ''' Use to insert statements, variables etc into an array of file lines ''' # Pad with a newline just in case. Consider: # ) # <some config> # ; # == vs == # ) # <some config>; if type(conf).__name__ == 'str': if conf.endswith('\n') == False: conf += '\n' for l in infilelines: if l.lower().startswith(targetline.lower()): # Comment out (or delete) print statements if ya want print ('Target line "%s" found @ file line #%s' % (targetline, (linenumber(infilelines, l)))) print ('Inserting "%s" after file line #%s' % (conf[:-1], linenumber(infilelines, l))) offset = infilelines.index(l)+1 if type(conf).__name__ == 'str': infilelines.insert(offset, conf) elif type(conf).__name__ == 'list': for el in conf: infilelines.insert(offset, el) offset += 1 break return infilelines def do3changes(infilelines, confstring): ''' Applies the necessary changes as specd by dad ''' # Major config here; be careful ALL_CHANGES = {")" : confstring, " CONSTRAINT" : "using index local", "CREATE INDEX" :"local"} tmp = infilelines for k in ALL_CHANGES: # Rebinds tmp to the new value with change k applied tmp = insertafter(tmp, k, ALL_CHANGES[k]) return tmp def usage(): print "Usage: %s infile configstring outfile" % sys.argv[0] def help(): print ("This is a glue script; just txt or email ben") def version(): print ("This program won't get developed any more, so lets say 0.67") def main(): ''' Handle args, run main functionality. ''' if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() elif 1 < len(sys.argv) < 4: if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv: help(); usage() if '-v' in sys.argv or '--version' in sys.argv: version() elif len(sys.argv) == 4: try: infile = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') infilelines = infile.readlines() infile.close() except: ioerror('input') try: insertfile = open(sys.argv[2], 'r') insertlines = insertfile.readlines() insertfile.close() except: ioerror() try: outfile = open(sys.argv[3], 'w') except: ioerror('output') edited = do3changes(infilelines, insertlines) try: for line in edited: outfile.write(line) outfile.flush(); outfile.close() except: ioerror('output') # God forbid anyone actually import this module, but just in case... if __name__ == '__main__': main()