Parse loaded modules from phpinfo() page

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Useful for quickly retrieving loaded modules from other servers. Replace GET with your favorite command-line http client like lwp-request or curl. Assumes you have a page containing only the phpinfo() function commonly used in development.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. # GET http://hostname.domain/info.php | egrep -o '"module_.*\"'
  2. "module_apache2handler"
  3. "module_bcmath"
  4. "module_bz2"
  5. "module_calendar"
  6. "module_ctype"
  7. "module_curl"
  8. "module_date"
  9. "module_dba"
  10. "module_dom"
  11. "module_exif"
  12. "module_filter"
  13. "module_ftp"
  14. "module_gd"
  15. "module_gettext"
  16. "module_hash"
  17. "module_iconv"
  18. "module_json"
  19. "module_libxml"
  20. "module_mbstring"
  21. "module_mcrypt"
  22. "module_mime_magic"
  23. "module_mysql"
  24. "module_mysqli"
  25. "module_openssl"
  26. "module_pcre"
  27. "module_PDO"
  28. "module_pdo_mysql"
  29. "module_posix"
  30. "module_Reflection"
  31. "module_session"
  32. "module_shmop"
  33. "module_SimpleXML"
  34. "module_soap"
  35. "module_sockets"
  36. "module_SPL"
  37. "module_standard"
  38. "module_sysvmsg"
  39. "module_tokenizer"
  40. "module_wddx"
  41. "module_xml"
  42. "module_xmlreader"
  43. "module_xmlwriter"
  44. "module_zip"
  45. "module_zlib"

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