/ Published in: PHP

Following our recent work on an [API for Cloudworks](http://freear.org.uk/node/40) I thought I\'d post this simple demo, which uses cURL and json_decode. [Email us](mailto:cloudworks AT open.ac.uk?subject=API) for an API key. (15-24 June 2010.)
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<?php /** A simple demonstration of the Cloudworks API, using cURL. * @copyright 2010 The Open University. */ # Uncomment the following line to set a proxy for cURL. //putenv("http_proxy=MY_HOST:PORT"); # Please request your API key via [cloudworks AT open.ac.uk] $api_key = 'NNNNN'; //// MODIFY placeholder. # Specify the item that you want. $item_type= 'clouds'; # Or 'cloudscapes' etc. $term = '2978'; # A cloud ID. $related = null; # null: just view the cloud; or 'followers' etc. # Form the request URL. if ($related) $related = "/$related"; $url = "http://cloudworks.ac.uk/api/$item_type/$term$related.json?api_key=$api_key"; ?><!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Cloudworks API Demo</title><?php #HTML5. # Make the HTTP request. echo "GET $url<br>"; $result= http_request_curl($url); if ($result->success) { # Success: display some data relevant to your request. echo "OK: <a href='$item->html_url'>$item->title</a>"; } else { # Handle HTTP errors. echo ($item) ? "Error: $item->code, $item->message" : "Error: ".$result->info['http_code']; } ?></html><?php /** Make a HTTP request using cURL. */ function http_request_curl($url) { } $result->success = ($result->info['http_code'] < 300); return $result; }