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In [24]: from rdflib import RDF In [25]: from rdflib import BNode IIdentifier Node StringInputSource _logger exceptions sparql ConjunctiveGraph Identifier QueryResult URIRef classImplements interfaces store FileInputSource Literal RDF URLInputSource compat logging syntax Graph Namespace RDFS Variable events plugin In [25]: from rdflib import RDFS In [26]: RDFS.su RDFS.subClassOf RDFS.subPropertyOf In [26]: for x in g.triples((None, rdftype, owlclass)): ....: f = x ....: ....: In [27]: f Out[27]: (rdflib.URIRef('http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl#node'), rdflib.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'), rdflib.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class')) In [28]: type(f) Out[28]: <type 'tuple'> In [29]: f[0] Out[29]: rdflib.URIRef('http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl#node') In [30]: type(_) Out[30]: <class 'rdflib.URIRef.URIRef'> In [31]: u = f[0] In [32]: u. u.__add__ u.__gt__ u.__new__ u.abstract u.index u.ljust u.rsplit u.__class__ u.__hash__ u.__providedBy__ u.capitalize u.isalnum u.lower u.rstrip u.__contains__ u.__implemented__ u.__provides__ u.center u.isalpha u.lstrip u.split u.__delattr__ u.__init__ u.__reduce__ u.concrete u.isdecimal u.md5_term_hash u.splitlines u.__doc__ u.__le__ u.__reduce_ex__ u.count u.isdigit u.n3 u.startswith u.__eq__ u.__len__ u.__repr__ u.decode u.islower u.partition u.strip u.__ge__ u.__lt__ u.__rmod__ u.defrag u.isnumeric u.replace u.swapcase u.__getattribute__ u.__mod__ u.__rmul__ u.encode u.isspace u.rfind u.title u.__getitem__ u.__module__ u.__setattr__ u.endswith u.istitle u.rindex u.translate u.__getnewargs__ u.__mul__ u.__slots__ u.expandtabs u.isupper u.rjust u.upper u.__getslice__ u.__ne__ u.__str__ u.find u.join u.rpartition u.zfill In [32]: u.abstract Out[32]: <bound method URIRef.abstract of rdflib.URIRef('http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl#node')> In [33]: u.abstract() Out[33]: rdflib.URIRef('http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl#node') In [35]: u.concrete() Out[35]: rdflib.URIRef('http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl/node') In [36]: u.defrag() Out[36]: rdflib.URIRef('http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl') In [37]: u.__str__() Out[37]: 'http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl#node' In [38]: u.n3() Out[38]: u'<http://cohereweb.net/ontology/cohere.owl#node>'
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