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<body> <div id="slidedeck_frame"> <dl class="slidedeck"> <dt>Slide 1</dt> <dd>Slide content</dd> <dt>Slide 2</dt> <dd>Slide content</dd> <dt>Slide 3</dt> <dd> <ul class="slidesVertical"> <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 1</strong></p> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-1">I take you to vertical slide 1</a><br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-2">I take you to vertical slide 2</a><br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-3">I take you to vertical slide 3</a><br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-4">I take you to vertical slide 4</a><br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-5">I take you to vertical slide 5</a></li> <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 2</strong></p></li> <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 3</strong></p></li> <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 4</strong></p></li> <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 5</strong></p></li> </ul> </dd> <dt>Slide 4</dt> <dd>Slide content</dd> </dl> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // Let's name the SlideDeck and store it somewhere. var theSlideDeck = $('.slidedeck').slidedeck(); theSlideDeck.vertical(); $(document).ready(function() { // Check the URL hash var hash = document.location.hash; if(hash){ hash = hash.split('#')[1]; var slideIndex = hash.split('-'); if(slideIndex.length > 1){ // horiz & vert theSlideDeck.goToVertical(slideIndex[1],slideIndex[0]); }else{ // horiz only theSlideDeck.goTo(slideIndex[0]); } } // Gather all the links with a class of sd-nav slideDeckLinks = $('a.sd-nav'); // Process the links and add goTo commands slideDeckLinks.each(function(index){ // Get the hashes var hash = this.href.split('#')[1]; // Divide the hashes into horizontal-vertical array var slideIndex = hash.split('-'); // Make each link do nothing when it's clicked. // Figure out if it should be vertical and horizontal navigation or just horizontal $(this).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); // don't follow link if(slideIndex.length > 1){ // horiz & vert theSlideDeck.goToVertical(slideIndex[1],slideIndex[0]); }else{ // horiz only theSlideDeck.goTo(slideIndex[0]); } }); }); }); </script> <!-- Help support SlideDeck! Place this noscript tag on your page when you deploy a SlideDeck to provide a link back! --> <noscript> <p>Powered By <a href="http://www.slidedeck.com" title="Visit SlideDeck.com">SlideDeck</a></p> </noscript> <br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-1">I take you to horizontal slide 3 with all the vertical slides</a> <br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-4">I take you to horizontal slide 3, vertical slide 4</a> <br> <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#4">I take you to horizontal slide 4</a> </body>
URL: http://www.slidedeck.com/usage-documentation/