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function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) { switch ($hook) { case 'page': /* Get the taxonomy info from the current node while in the page */ $node_taxonomy_object = $vars['node']->taxonomy; /* make sure the taxonomy object exists to prevent errors */ if ($node_taxonomy_object) { foreach($node_taxonomy_object as $term) { /* only use selected vocabulary IDs to generate classes -- lists these below (1, and 21 are just examples) */ switch($term->vid) { case 3: /*In Print*/ $vars['body_id'] = 'media'; $vars['body_class'] = 'in-print'; break; // case 1: /*Issues*/ /* $vars['body_id'] = 'policy'; $vars['body_class'] = 'issues'; break; */ case 6: /*Multimedia*/ $vars['body_id'] = 'media'; $vars['body_class'] = 'multimedia'; break; case 2: /*Publication*/ $vars['body_id'] = 'media'; $vars['body_class'] = 'publication-archive'; break; case 9: /*Other Media*/ $vars['body_id'] = 'media'; break; case 10: /*Other Media*/ $vars['body_id'] = 'outreach'; break; case 11: /*Analysis*/ $vars['body_id'] = 'analysis'; break; case 14; $test = arg(2); if (!arg(3)) { $id = $var['node']->nid; $terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($id, 14); foreach ($terms as $t) { $termID = $t->tid; $intBody = $t->name; } //get parents $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($termID); foreach ($parents as $parent){ $vars['body_id']=$parent->name; } } case 8: /* build the $body_class from the term's name, replacing spaces with "-" */ /* build the $body_ID from the term's vocabulary name, replacing spaces with "-" $vocabulary_array = taxonomy_get_vocabulary($term->vid); $vars['body_id'] = str_replace(" ","-",$vocabulary_array->name);*/ break; default: $vars['body_class'] = 'none'; } } } break; } return $vars; }