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function btnSubmitEntry_OnClick() { $('#contentLoading').show(); var ourProperty = EscapeHtmlString($('#selProperty :selected').text()); var ourAffectedUrl = EscapeHtmlString($('#selUrl :selected').text()); var ourStagingUrl; if (ourAffectedUrl.indexOf('/') == 0) { if (ourProperty.indexOf('MS.com') > -1) ourStagingUrl = "http://wwwstaging" + ourAffectedUrl; else if (ourProperty.indexOf('http://') > -1) ourStagingUrl = "http://standards" + ourAffectedUrl; else ourStagingUrl ="n/a"; } else if ((ourAffectedUrl == "new page") || (ourProperty == "talkstandards.com")) ourStagingUrl ="to be determined" ; else ourStagingUrl ="n/a" ; var updateString = "<Batch OnError=\"Continue\">"; updateString += "<Method ID=\"1\" Cmd=\"New\">"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"ID\">1</Field>"; //updateString += "<Field Name=\"Title\">" + EscapeHtmlString($("#txtTitle").val()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Title\">Bug or Change Request </Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Property\">" + ourProperty + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Property_x0020_Owner\">" + getPropertyOwner($('#selProperty :selected').text()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"URL_x0020_Affected\">" + ourAffectedUrl + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"The_x0020_Requester\">" + EscapeHtmlString($("#txtAuthor").val()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"staging_x0020_url\">" + ourStagingUrl + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Description\">" + EscapeHtmlString($("#txtDescript").val()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Priority_x0020_Level\">" + EscapeHtmlString($('#selPriority :selected').text()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Type_x0020_of_x0020_Request\">" + EscapeHtmlString($('#selType :selected').text()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Go_x0020_Live_x0020_Date\">" + EscapeHtmlString($("#txtGoLiveDate").val()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"Go_x0020_Live_x0020_Time\">" + EscapeHtmlString($("#txtGoLiveTime").val()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "<Field Name=\"PageSection\">" + EscapeHtmlString($("#txtSection").val()) + "</Field>"; updateString += "</Method>"; updateString += "</Batch>"; try { UpdateListItems("Change Requests", updateString, callback_Submit); } catch (err) { alert(err.message); } } function callback_Submit(respObj, status) { var soapError = SoapErrorCheck(respObj); if (soapError.length == 0) { if (respObj.xml.length > 0) { var rows = $("z\\:row", respObj); requestID = trim($(rows[0]).attr("ows_ID")) var editUrl = $("a#attachLink").attr("href") + "?ID=" + requestID; var attachmentUrl = $("a#custom-popup").attr("href") + "?ID=" + requestID; $("a#attachLink").attr("href", editUrl ); $("a#custom-popup").attr("href", attachmentUrl ); $('#submittalConfirmation').show(); $('#requestForm').hide(); $('#contentLoading').hide(); } else { alert("Error updating request list. Try again and if the error continues please contact your administrator."); } } else { alert("Error submitting your request: \n" + soapError); } }