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#!/bin/bash # Rails Terminals for Rails 2.3.5 and Gnome # A simple script that opens a Gnome terminal with titled tabs: # 1. Server # 2. Autospec # 3. Vim with NERDTree # 4. bash # USAGE: railsterminal.sh working_dir dir=$1 # The first argument is the path of the working directory. if [ -z $dir ]; then echo "Please specify an argument!" exit fi # Check whether the executables exist and open the terminals if [ -d $dir ]; then # If the argument is a relative path, then augment it with # the current dir. if [ ${dir:0:1} != '~' -a ${dir:0:1} != '/' ]; then dir=`pwd`'/'$dir fi echo "Working directory: $dir" command="gnome-terminal --working-directory=$dir --geometry=112x30 " tab1="--tab -e";tab2="-t" if [ -x "$dir/script/server" ]; then server_e="bash -c 'script/server && bash'" else server_e='bash' echo "script/server not found." fi if [ -x "$dir/script/autospec" ]; then autospec_e="script/autospec" else autospec_e='bash' echo "script/autospec not found." fi server_t="Server";autospec_t="Autospec" bash_e="bash";bash_t="Bash" vim_e="vi +NERDTree";vim_t="Vim" echo $command $tab1 "$server_e" $tab2 $server_t \ $tab1 "$autospec_e" $tab2 $autospec_t \ $tab1 "$vim_e" $tab2 $vim_t \ $tab1 "$bash_e" $tab2 $bash_t $command $tab1 "$server_e" $tab2 $server_t \ $tab1 "$autospec_e" $tab2 $autospec_t \ $tab1 "$vim_e" $tab2 $vim_t \ $tab1 "$bash_e" $tab2 $bash_t else echo "Please specify a working directory as the argument" fi