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Get all SQL Server object dependencies
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--exec sp_GetObjectDependencies @IncludeConstraints = 0 CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetObjectDependencies ( @ObjectToCheck VARCHAR(100) = '', @IncludeConstraints bit = 0, @Help bit = 0 ) AS IF @Help = 1 BEGIN SELECT N'@Help' AS [Parameter Name] , N'BIT' AS [DATA TYPE] , N'Displays this help message.' AS [Parameter Description] UNION ALL SELECT N'@ObjectToCheck', N'VARCHAR(100)', N'Specify a specific object of which to check the dependancies of. Default is to check all objects.' UNION ALL SELECT N'@IncludeConstraints', N'BIT', N'Specify whether you want to include contraints and keys for the objects being checked for it''s dependancies. Default is to exclude constraints' END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @Objects AS TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), SchemaName VARCHAR(100), ObjectName VARCHAR(100) ) DECLARE @Dependancies AS TABLE ( SourceObject VARCHAR(200), SourceObjectType VARCHAR(200), SourceObjectLastExecutionDate datetime, SourceObjectCreateDate datetime, SourceObjectModifiedDate datetime, SourceObjectIsMSShipped bit, ReferencingObject VARCHAR(200), ReferencingObjectType VARCHAR(200), ReferencingObjectLastExecutionDate datetime, ReferencingObjectCreateDate datetime, ReferencingObjectModifiedDate datetime, ReferencingObjectIsMSShipped bit, IsReferencingObjectDependant bit ) DECLARE @Constraints AS TABLE ( SourceObject VARCHAR(200), SourceObjectType VARCHAR(200), SourceObjectLastExecutionDate datetime, SourceObjectCreateDate datetime, SourceObjectModifiedDate datetime, SourceObjectIsMSShipped bit, ReferencingObject VARCHAR(200), ReferencingObjectType VARCHAR(200), ReferencingObjectLastExecutionDate datetime, ReferencingObjectCreateDate datetime, ReferencingObjectModifiedDate datetime, ReferencingObjectIsMSShipped bit, IsReferencingObjectDependant bit ) INSERT INTO @Objects(SchemaName, ObjectName) SELECT s.name AS SchemaName, o.name AS ObjectName FROM sys.objects o INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id WHERE o.name = (CASE WHEN @ObjectToCheck = '' THEN o.name ELSE @ObjectToCheck END) DECLARE @CurrentRow INT DECLARE @MaxRow INT SET @CurrentRow = (SELECT MIN(ID) FROM @Objects) SET @MaxRow = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM @Objects) while @CurrentRow <= @MaxRow BEGIN DECLARE @CurrentObjectName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @CurrentObjectSchema VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @CurrentObject VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @CurrentObjectID BIGINT SET @CurrentObjectName = (SELECT ObjectName FROM @Objects WHERE ID = @CurrentRow) SET @CurrentObjectSchema = (SELECT SchemaName FROM @Objects WHERE ID = @CurrentRow) SET @CurrentObject = (SELECT SchemaName + '.' + ObjectName FROM @Objects WHERE ID = @CurrentRow) SET @CurrentObjectID = (SELECT object_id FROM sys.objects o INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id WHERE o.name = @CurrentObjectName AND s.name = @CurrentObjectSchema) INSERT INTO @Dependancies SELECT @CurrentObject AS SourceObject, so.type_desc AS SourceObjectType, ss.last_execution_time AS SourceObjectLastExecutionDate, so.create_date AS SourceObjectCreateDate, so.modify_date AS SourceObjectModifiedDate, so.is_ms_shipped AS SourceObjectIsMSShipped, re.referencing_schema_name + '.' + re.referencing_entity_name AS ReferencingObject, ro.type_desc AS ReferencingObjectType, rs.last_execution_time AS ReferencingObjectLastExecutionDate, ro.create_date AS ReferencingObjectCreateDate, ro.modify_date AS ReferencingObjectModifiedDate, ro.is_ms_shipped AS ReferencingObjectIsMSShipped, re.is_caller_dependent AS IsReferencingObjectDependant FROM sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities (@CurrentObject, 'OBJECT') re LEFT JOIN sys.objects so ON so.object_id = @CurrentObjectID LEFT JOIN sys.objects ro ON ro.object_id = re.referencing_id LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats ss ON ss.object_id = so.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats rs ON rs.object_id = ro.object_id INSERT INTO @Constraints SELECT DISTINCT @CurrentObject AS SourceObject, so.type_desc AS SourceObjectType, NULL AS SourceObjectLastExecutionDate, so.create_date AS SourceObjectCreateDate, so.modify_date AS SourceObjectModifiedDate, so.is_ms_shipped AS SourceObjectIsMSShipped, rs.name + '.' + ro.name AS ReferencingObject, ro.type_desc AS ReferencingObjectType, NULL AS ReferencingObjectLastExecutionDate, ro.create_date AS ReferencingObjectCreateDate, ro.modify_date AS ReferencingObjectModifiedDate, ro.is_ms_shipped AS ReferencingObjectIsMSShipped, 1 AS IsReferencingObjectDependant FROM sys.objects so LEFT JOIN sys.objects ro ON ro.parent_object_id = so.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.schemas rs ON rs.schema_id = ro.schema_id WHERE so.object_id = @CurrentObjectID AND so.type_desc <> 'INTERNAL_TABLE' AND ro.type IN ('C','D','F','PK','UQ') SET @CurrentRow = @CurrentRow + 1 END IF(@IncludeConstraints = 0) BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT * FROM @Dependancies WHERE ReferencingObjectType NOT LIKE '%CONSTRAINT%' ORDER BY SourceObject, ReferencingObject END ELSE BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT * FROM @Dependancies UNION SELECT DISTINCT * FROM @Constraints ORDER BY SourceObject, ReferencingObject END END /* __ __ |. ||. | .| || ||| | | | |: ||: | |'| ._____ | || | | | .--'| .---"| |. |' _ | || |-. | | __ |. | _|__ | || |__ .-'| _| || | || '- | || | |' | | | |' |' | |.| || | || '-' | | | | | | ___| '-' ' '' ' "" ' ` - |_' ' |____ ________________________________________________________ Joachim J Prinsloo ________________________________________________________ */