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package com.game.astar { public class AStarMap { //these are the states available for each cell. public const CELL_FREE:uint = 0; public const CELL_FILLED:uint = 1; public const CELL_ORIGIN:uint = 2; public const CELL_DESTINATION:uint = 3; public const MAX_ITERATIONS:uint = 2000; public var gridWidth:uint; public var gridHeight:uint; public var isSolved:Boolean; private var originCell:Object; private var destinationCell:Object; private var currentCell:Object; private var openList:Array; private var closedList:Array; private var mapArray:Array; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //grid sizes refer to the size in units of cell size, not pixel size. public function AStarMap(_gridWidth:int, _gridHeight:int):void { gridWidth = _gridWidth; gridHeight = _gridHeight; //define map mapArray = new Array(); var xx:int = 0; var yy:int = 0; for(xx = 0; xx < gridWidth; xx++) { mapArray[xx] = new Array(); for(yy = 0; yy < gridHeight; yy++) { mapArray[xx][yy] = new Object(); mapArray[xx][yy].cellType = CELL_FREE; mapArray[xx][yy].parentCell = null; mapArray[xx][yy].g = 0; mapArray[xx][yy].f = 0; mapArray[xx][yy].x = xx; mapArray[xx][yy].y = yy; } } openList = new Array(); closedList = new Array(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function solve():Array { //count = 0; reset(); //trace(destinationCell.x, destinationCell.y); isSolved = false; var iter:int = 0; isSolved = stepPathfinder(); while(!isSolved) { isSolved = stepPathfinder(); if(iter++ > MAX_ITERATIONS) return null; } //set pointer to last cell on list //if pointer is pointing to originCell, then finish //if pointer is not pointing at origin cell, then process, and set pointer to parent of current cell var solutionPath:Array = new Array(); var count:int = 0; var cellPointer:Object = closedList[closedList.length - 1]; while(cellPointer != originCell) { if(count++ > 800) return null; //prevent a hang in case something goes awry solutionPath.push(cellPointer); cellPointer = cellPointer.parentCell; } return solutionPath; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function stepPathfinder():Boolean { //trace(cnt++); if(currentCell == destinationCell) { closedList.push(destinationCell); return true; } //place current cell into openList openList.push(currentCell); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //place all legal adjacent squares into a temporary array //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //add legal adjacent cells from above to the open list var adjacentCell:Array = new Array(); var arryPtr:Object; var isDiagonal:Boolean; for(var xx:int = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) { for(var yy:int = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) { /* Look at all the adjacent cells */ if(!(xx == 0 && yy == 0)) //this is the current cell, so skip it. { /* is adjacent Cell within the grid bounds? */ if(currentCell.x+xx >= 0 && currentCell.y+yy >= 0 && currentCell.x+xx < gridWidth && currentCell.y+yy < gridHeight) { /* is adjacent cell NOT diagonal to the currentCell? */ isDiagonal = ((xx==-1 || xx==1) && (yy==-1 || yy==1)); /* CurrentCell is in the mapArray? */ if(mapArray[currentCell.x+xx][currentCell.y+yy]) { arryPtr = mapArray[currentCell.x+xx][currentCell.y+yy]; if(arryPtr.cellType != CELL_FILLED && closedList.indexOf(arryPtr) == -1 && !isDiagonal) { //trace(mapArray[currentCell.x + xx][currentCell.y + yy]); adjacentCell.push(arryPtr); } } } } } } var g:int; var h:int; for(var ii:int = 0; ii < adjacentCell.length; ii++) { g = currentCell.g + 1; h = Math.abs(adjacentCell[ii].x - destinationCell.x) + Math.abs(adjacentCell[ii].y - destinationCell.y); if(openList.indexOf(adjacentCell[ii]) == -1) { //is cell already on the open list? - no adjacentCell[ii].f = g + h; adjacentCell[ii].parentCell = currentCell; adjacentCell[ii].g = g; openList.push(adjacentCell[ii]); } else { //is cell already on the open list? - yes if(adjacentCell[ii].g < currentCell.parentCell.g) { currentCell.parentCell = adjacentCell[ii]; currentCell.g = adjacentCell[ii].g + 1; currentCell.f = adjacentCell[ii].g + h; } } } //Remove current cell from openList and add to closedList. var indexOfCurrent:int = openList.indexOf(currentCell); closedList.push(currentCell); openList.splice(indexOfCurrent, 1); //Take the lowest scoring openList cell and make it the current cell. openList.sortOn("f", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING); if(openList.length == 0) return true; currentCell = openList.pop(); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public function getCell(xx:int, yy:int):Object { return mapArray[xx][yy]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Sets individual cell state public function setCell(xx:int, yy:int, cellType:int):void { mapArray[xx][yy].cellType = cellType; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Toggle cell between "filled" and "free" states public function toggleCell(cellX:int, cellY:int):void { if(mapArray[cellX][cellY].cellType == CELL_FILLED) mapArray[cellX][cellY].cellType = CELL_FREE; else if(mapArray[cellX][cellY].cellType == CELL_FREE) mapArray[cellX][cellY].cellType = CELL_FILLED; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Sets origin and destination public function setEndPoints(originX:int, originY:int, destX:int, destY:int):void { originCell = mapArray[originX][originY]; destinationCell = mapArray[destX][destY]; originCell.cellType = CELL_ORIGIN; destinationCell.cellType = CELL_DESTINATION; currentCell = originCell; closedList.push(originCell); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Resets algorithm without clearing cells public function reset():void { for(var xx:int = 0; xx < gridWidth; xx++) { for(var yy:int = 0; yy < gridHeight; yy++) { mapArray[xx][yy].parentCell = null; mapArray[xx][yy].g = 0; mapArray[xx][yy].f = 0; } } openList = new Array(); closedList = new Array(); currentCell = originCell; closedList.push(originCell); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Sets all filled cells to free cells (does not affect origin or destination cells) public function clearMap():void { for(var xx:int = 0; xx < gridWidth; xx++) { //mapArray[xx] = new Array(); for(var yy:int = 0; yy < gridHeight; yy++) { //mapArray[xx][yy] = new Object(); if(mapArray[xx][yy].cellType == CELL_FILLED) mapArray[xx][yy].cellType = CELL_FREE; mapArray[xx][yy].parentCell = null; mapArray[xx][yy].g = 0; mapArray[xx][yy].f = 0; mapArray[xx][yy].x = xx; mapArray[xx][yy].y = yy; } } } } //end class }