/ Published in: Python

This code allows automatically posting comments to LiveJournal to be the first commenter.
Usage: $ python auto-post-comment.py
Usage: $ python auto-post-comment.py
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # code by andrewkolesnikov.com import re import sys import time import random import feedparser import logging from datetime import datetime from mechanize import Browser class LJAutoComment: def __init__(self, url = 'http://tema.livejournal.com/data/rss', username = '', password = '', comments = [], age_threshold = 0.5, interval= 5, logLevel = logging.DEBUG): self.__dry = False self.__url = url self.__comments = comments self.__username = username self.__password = password self.__age_threshold = age_threshold self.__log_filename = '/tmp/posts_' + self.__slugify(url) self.__interval = interval logging.basicConfig(level=logLevel) def generate_comment(self, entry): comment = random.choice(self.__comments); theID = re.match(r"\D*(\d*).*", entry.link).group(1); return comment + (' <img src="http://andrewkolesnikov.com/img/%s.jpg" >' % int(theID)) def __call__(self, dry = False): self.__dry = dry if self.__dry: logging.info('Dry-run. Comments will not be posted.') logging.info('Fetching RSS feed: ' + self.__url); while True: self.__feed = feedparser.parse(self.__url) entry = self.__feed.entries[0] if not entry: logging.error('Couldn\'t fetch the RSS feed from %s', self.__url) logging.info('Latest entry is: ' + entry['title']); if self.is_commentable(entry): logging.info('Entry is commentable.'); self.post_comment(entry, self.generate_comment(entry)) self.log_write(entry.link) else: logging.info('Entry isn\'t commentable. Skipping..'); logging.info('Sleeping for %d seconds.', self.__interval); time.sleep(self.__interval) logging.info('Done.'); def is_commentable(self, entry): postedHoursAgo = (time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - time.mktime(entry.updated_parsed)) / 3600 logging.info('Entry posted %f hours ago, threshold is %1.2f hours', postedHoursAgo, self.__age_threshold); alreadyCommented = self.log_check(entry.link); if alreadyCommented: logging.info('Already commented on this entry.'); if (postedHoursAgo < self.__age_threshold) and not alreadyCommented: return True return False def post_comment(self, entry, comment): br = Browser() br.open(entry.link + '?mode=reply') br.select_form(nr=0) br['usertype'] = ['user'] br['userpost'] = self.__username br['password'] = self.__password br['body'] = comment.encode('utf8'); if not self.__dry: logging.info('Posting the comment..') br.submit() print br.response() else: logging.info('Pretending to be posting the comment.. (dry run)') def log_check(self, link): """docstring for log_check""" try: log = open(self.__log_filename, 'r+') line = 1 while line: line = log.readline() logging.debug('Checking link: %s against %s', link, line); if line.find(link) >= 0: log.close() return True; log.close() except Exception, e: pass return False def log_write(self, link): """docstring for log_write""" logging.debug('Writing link: %s to %s', link, self.__log_filename); log = open(self.__log_filename, 'w+') log.write(link + " ") log.close() def __slugify(self, inStr): removelist = ["a", "an", "as", "at", "before", "but", "by", "for","from","is", "in", "into", "like", "of", "off", "on", "onto","per","since", "than", "the", "this", "that", "to", "up", "via","with"]; for a in removelist: aslug = re.sub(r'\b'+a+r'\b','',inStr) aslug = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', aslug).strip().lower() aslug = re.sub('\s+', '-', aslug) return aslug if __name__ == '__main__': comments = [u'Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ¼Ð°Ð» тебе Ñтоит начать выкладывать видеопоÑÑ‚Ñ‹. Я уже заебалÑÑ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚ÑŒ. Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.', u'поÑлушай Ñюда. Я отÑюда из БоÑтона вижу недоебит в твоих глазах. Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.', u'тут недавно у кого-то в ÑтатуÑе увидел: Чупа-Ñ‡ÑƒÐ¿Ñ Ñо вкуÑом лука, ÑоÑи и плачь Ñ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð°Ñ Ñука) ', u'Мне в команду в БоÑтонÑкий Ð¾Ñ„Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½ iPhone-разработчик. ПодÑкажешь кого-нибудь? Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.', u'Ð’Ñегда интереÑно было ÑпроÑить Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.', u'Я хотел Ñказать, приду к тебе в реÑторан, проебу $100. ПроÑто потому что могу блÑÑ‚ÑŒ. Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.', u'Вот да, как вÑегда Ñ…ÑƒÐ¹Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ°ÐºÐ°Ñ-то. Я бы уже Ñтал выкладывать видеопоÑÑ‚Ñ‹ и не ебать читателÑм мозги. Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.', u'что Ñ‚Ñ‹ думаешь про грÑдущую Ñмерть Флеша? Почему начал диверÑификацию, доходы упали? Приедешь в БоÑтон пивом угощу. Второуровневики ÑоÑут хуй.'] engine = LJAutoComment('http://target-blog-name.livejournal.com/data/rss', 'myusername', 'mypassword', comments, 5) engine()