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<?php class SuperDatabaseAccess { /** * @var */ public $apiDatabase; /** * @var */ public $apiMaxCount = 200; /** * @var */ public $apiUseKey = false; /** * @var */ public $apiUseThrottle; /** * @var */ public $apiThrottleMax; /** * @var */ public $apiResultFormat; /** * @var */ public $svcDatabase; /** * @var */ public $svcTable; /** * @var */ public $svcType; /** * @var */ private $dsn = ''; /** * @var */ private $dbh = null; private $callResultsPerPage = 0; private $callResultsCurrentPage = 0; private $callResultsOffset = 0; private $callResultsTotalPages = 0; private $callResultsTotal = 0; /** * * @param object $dbType [optional] * @param object $dbHost [optional] * @param object $dbPort [optional] * @param object $dbUser [optional] * @param object $dbPass [optional] * @return */ public function __construct($dbType = 'mysql', $dbHost = 'localhost', $dbPort = 3306, $dbUser = null, $dbPass = null) { if ($dbType == 'mysql') { $this->svcType = 'mysql'; $this->dsn = 'mysql:host='.$dbHost.''; $this->dsn .= $dbPort != null ? ':'.$dbPort.';' : ';'; } else if ($dbType == 'sqlite') { $this->svcType = 'sqlite'; $this->dsn = 'sqlite2:'.$dbName.'.db'; } try { $this->dbh = new PDO($this->dsn, $dbUser, $dbPass); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'Connection failed: '.$e->getMessage(); } } /** * * @param string $mode * @param string $database * @param string $table [optional] * @param string $sql [optional] * @param array $vo [optional] * @return */ public function execute($mode, $database, $table = null, $sql = null, $vo = null) { try { $return = null; //Function management variables $voColumns = ''; $voBindColumns = ''; $voKeyValue = ''; $voPrimaryKey = null; /** * Check if we are returning data * @var */ if ($mode == 'select' || $mode == 'search') { $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $statement->execute(); while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $records[] = $row; } 'status'=>'success', 'database'=>$database, 'table'=>$table, 'count'=>$statement->rowCount(), 'page'=>$this->callResultsCurrentPage, 'pages' => $this->callResultsTotalPages, 'total' => $this->callResultsTotal, 'data'=>$records); $return[] = $result; //Check if its an insert } else if ($mode == 'insert') { //Make sure there is assoc array for vo if ($vo != null) { //Loop each key=value for the vo foreach ($vo as $column=>$value) { $voColumns .= $column.', '; //build the bind params $voBindColumns .= '?, '; //push the values to a value array } //Trim the strings $voColumns = $this->trimSQL($voColumns); $voBindColumns = $this->trimSQL($voBindColumns); //Build the sql $sql = "INSERT INTO $database.$table ( $voColumns ) VALUES ( $voBindColumns )"; //log it # $this->writeLog('SQL', $sql); //Prepare database with the ? placeholders $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); //If the query executed properly if ($statement->execute($voValues)) { //Prep the result to return $return[] = $result; } } /** * Update * @var */ } else if ($mode == 'update') { if ($vo != null) { $voPrimaryKey = $this->getKey($database, $table); $voKeyValue = $vo[$voPrimaryKey]; } foreach ($vo as $column=>$value) { $voBindColumns .= $column.'= ?, '; } $voBindColumns = $this->trimSQL($voBindColumns); $sql = "UPDATE $database.$table SET $voBindColumns WHERE $voPrimaryKey = ?"; $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); if ($statement->execute($voValues)) { $return[] = $result; } } /** * delete * @var */ } else if ($mode == 'delete') { if ($vo != null) { $voPrimaryKey = $this->getKey($database, $table); $voKeyValue = ''; $voKeyValue = $vo[$voPrimaryKey]; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $database.$table WHERE $voPrimaryKey = ?"; # $this->writeLog('SQL', $sql); $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $return[] = $result; } } } } catch(PDOException $e) { $return[] = $result; } return $return; } /** * I make a select statement and return the results. * * @param string $database * @param string $table * @param string $columns [optional] * @param number $count [optional] * @param number $page [optional] * @param string $sort [optional] * @return */ public function select($database, $table, $columns = "*", $count = 25, $page = 0, $sort = null) { $this->callResultsCurrentPage = $page; $this->callResultsPerPage = $count; if ($page > 0){ $this->callResultsOffset = ($this->callResultsPerPage * $this->callResultsCurrentPage - $this->callResultsPerPage ); } else if ($page == 1){ $this->callResultsOffset = 0; } $sorting = ($sort != null) ? "ORDER BY $sort" : ""; $count = ($count >= $this->apiMaxCount) ? $this->apiMaxCount : $count; $counting = 'LIMIT '.$this->callResultsOffset.', '. $this->callResultsPerPage.';'; $sql = "SELECT $columns FROM $database.$table $sorting $counting"; return $this->execute('select', $database, $table, $sql); } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @param object $vo * @return */ public function selectOne($database, $table, $keyvalue) { $primarykey = $this->getKey($database, $table); #$primarykeyValue = $vo[$primarykey]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $database.$table WHERE $primarykey = $keyvalue LIMIT 1"; $this->writeLog('SQL-selectOne', $sql); return $this->executeAndReturn($sql); } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @param object $columns [optional] * @param object $where [optional] * @param object $query [optional] * @param object $count [optional] * @param object $page [optional] * @param object $sort [optional] * @return */ public function search($database, $table, $columns = "*", $where = null, $query = null, $count = 25, $page = 0, $sort = null) { $this->callResultsCurrentPage = $page; $this->callResultsPerPage = $count; if ($page > 1){ $this->callResultsOffset = ($this->callResultsPerPage * $this->callResultsCurrentPage - $this->callResultsPerPage ); } else if ($page == 1){ $this->callResultsOffset = 0; } $sorting = ($sort != null) ? "ORDER BY $sort" : ""; $counting = 'LIMIT '.$this->callResultsOffset.', '. $this->callResultsPerPage.';'; $sql = "SELECT $columns FROM $database.$table WHERE $where LIKE '%$query%' $sorting $counting"; $this->writeLog('SQL-search', $sql); return $this->execute('search', $database, $table, $sql); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $database.$table"; $result = $this->executeAndReturn($sql); $this->writeLog('SQL-count', $sql); return $result[0]['COUNT(*)']; } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @param object $vo * @return */ public function save($database, $table, $vo) { $primarykey = $this->getKey($database, $table); $primarykeyValue = $vo[$primarykey]; $choice = ''; if ($primarykeyValue == 0 || $primarykeyValue == '') { $choice = $this->create($database, $table, $vo); } else { $choice = $this->update($database, $table, $vo); } return $choice; } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @param object $vo * @return */ public function update($database, $table, $vo) { return $this->execute('update', $database, $table, null, $vo); } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @param object $vo * @return */ public function create($database, $table, $vo) { return $this->execute('insert', $database, $table, null, $vo); } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @param object $vo * @return */ public function remove($database, $table, $vo) { return $this->execute('delete', $database, $table, null, $vo); } /** * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @return */ public function getKey($database, $table) { if ($this->svcType == 'mysql') { $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM $database.$table"; $keys = $this->executeAndReturn($sql); $primaryKey = ''; if ($keys) { //TODO: Find a alt to tables not having a key foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($key['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $primaryKey = $key['Column_name']; } } $this->writeLog('SQL-getKey', $sql); return $primaryKey; } } } /** * I get the databases in the mysql server * * @return [array] - Tree ready array of database, tables, and fields */ public function getDatabases() { if ($this->svcType == 'mysql') { $sql = "SHOW DATABASES"; $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $statement->execute(); while ($database = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { foreach ($database as $data) { $tables = $this->getTables($data); } } $this->writeLog('SQL-getDatabases', $sql); return $databases; } } /** * I get the tables, fields, and information about the tables from the database. * * @param [string] $database * @return array */ public function getTables($whatDatabase) { if ($this->svcType == 'mysql') { $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM $whatDatabase"; $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $statement->execute(); while ($table = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { foreach ($table as $t_key=>$t_value) { $fields = $this->describeTable($whatDatabase, $t_value); $primaryKey = $this->getKey($whatDatabase, $t_value); } } $this->writeLog('SQL-getDatabases', $sql); return $tables; } } /** * I describe a table for the getDatabasesAndTables() method * * @param [string] $database the database * @param [string] $table the table * @return [array] */ public function describeTable($whatDatabase, $whatTable) { $sql = "DESCRIBE $whatDatabase.$whatTable"; $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $statement->execute(); $pattern = '/(\(\d*\))/'; while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $field = $row['Field']; //Field Name $type = $row['Type']; //Field Type #$typeOpts = $matches[0]; #$type = str_replace( $type, $matches[0] ); //TODO: Fix these values $default = $row['Default']; //Field Default Value $nullable = ($row['Null'] == 'YES') ? 'true' : 'false'; $tables[] = array('label'=>$field, 'type'=>'field', 'fieldDefault'=>$default, 'fieldType'=>$type, 'fieldLength'=>'', 'fieldNullable'=>$nullable); } $this->writeLog('SQL-getDatabases', $sql); return $tables; } /** * * @param object $sql * @return */ private function executeAndReturn($sql) { try { $statement = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $statement->execute(); while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $records[] = $row; } $result = $records; $result = false; } } catch(PDOException $e) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * * @param object $obj * @return */ private function mapObject($obj) { require_once "ValueObject.php"; $vo = new ValueObject(); foreach ($row as $key=>$value) { $vo->__set($key, $value); } $array[] = $vo; } return $array; } /** * * @param object $value * @return */ private function escape($value) { $escaped = $value; } return $escaped; } /** * * @param object $sql * @return */ private function trimSQL($sql) { } /** * * @param object $type * @param object $var * @return */ public function writeLog($type, $var) { $file = "/tmp/SuperDatabaseAccess.log"; $contents = "\n".$date.'['.$type.'] '.$var; } /** * * @param object $prefix * @return */ public function generateKey($prefix) { return $hash; } /** * * @param object $key * @return */ public function checkKey($key) { $return = false; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->apiDatabase.".keys WHERE apikey = '$key'"; $result = $this->executeAndReturn($sql); if ($result) { $return = true; } return $return; } /** * * @param object $prefix * @param object $userid * @return */ public function updateKey($prefix, $userid) { $return = false; $key = $this->generateKey($prefix); $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->apiDatabase.".keys SET apikey = '$key' WHERE user_id = $userid"; $result = $this->executeAndReturn($sql); if ($result) { $return = true; } return $return; } } /* ************************* * Testing * ************************ echo '<pre>'; $svc = new DatabaseAccess('mysql', 'localhost', null, 'root', 'fred'); $svc->apiDatabase = 'restapi'; $svc->apiMaxCount = 50; $svc->apiUseKey = false; $svc->apiResultFormat = 'json'; $prefix = 'api-'; $email = '[email protected]'; $newkey = $svc->generateKey($prefix); $oldkey = 'api-4ab5f0b7091f5'; $validKey = $svc->checkKey($oldkey); $updateKey = $svc->updateKey($prefix, '2'); echo '<h3>Insert Record</h3>'; $newrecord = array('id'=>0, 'name'=>'New Work Schedule', 'color'=>'Green', 'user_id'=>7); $create = $svc->create('test', 'calendars', $newrecord); print_r($create); echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Update Record</h3>'; $oldrecord = array('id'=>2, 'name'=>'Old Work Schedule', 'color'=>'Blue', 'user_id'=>3); $update = $svc->update('test', 'calendars', $oldrecord); print_r($update); echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Delete Record</h3>'; $removeKey = ($create['response']['insertid'] - 1); $delete = $svc->remove('test', 'calendars', array('id'=>$removeKey)); print_r($delete); echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Get Records</h3>'; $getrecord = $svc->select('test', 'posts', '*', null, 2); print_r($getrecord); echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Search Records</h3>'; $searchrecord = $svc->search('test', 'addresses', '*', 'state', 'ca', 15, 0, 'id asc'); print_r($searchrecord); echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Old API Key</h3>'; echo $oldkey; echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>New API Key</h3>'; echo $newkey; echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Update API Key</h3>'; var_dump($updateKey); echo "<br/>"; echo '<h3>Valid Key Check</h3>'; var_dump($validKey); echo "<br/>"; echo '</pre>'; */ /** * @author * @version * @license * @classDescription - This class can be used many ways, as a rpc for Flex/Flash application using either http or http remoting * Here is examples on testing this class to make sure its working. * * HTTP: * url: http://rest/SuperDatabaseService.php?action=select&database=test&table=users&format=xml * * Output Formats: * Here is the supported output formats. * 1. json - [{"status":"success","database":"test","table":"users","count":1,"page":1,"pages":5000,"total":"5000","data":[{"id":"1","username":"[email protected]","created":"2010-01-11 00:43:58"}]}] * 2. php - a:1:{i:0;a:8:{s:6:"status";s:7:"success";s:8:"database";s:4:"test";s:5:"table";s:5:"users";s:5:"count";i:1;s:4:"page";i:1;s:5:"pages";d:5000;s:5:"total";s:4:"5000";s:4:"data";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:8:"username";s:27:"[email protected]";s:7:"created";s:19:"2010-01-11 00:43:58";}}}} * 3. xml - <code> <?xml version="1.0"?> <results status="success" database="test" table="users" pages="5000" page="1" total="5000" count="1"> <row number="1"> <id>1</id> <username>[email protected]</username> <created>2010-01-11 00:43:58</created> </row> </results> </code> * 4. byte array * * * @projectDescription * @copyright */ class SuperDatabaseService { private $service; public $svcResultFormat; public $svcDatabase; public $svcTable; /** * I am a simple service class for multiplating a mysql database. Either through amfphp or javascript. * For returning json just set the resultFormat = 'json'. Then you should be all set. Be sure to * enter your credentials in the constructor of this class. * @return */ public function __construct() { //TODO: Credentials here #$this->service = new SuperDatabaseAccess('mysql', 'localhost', null, 'root', 'fred'); $this->service = new SuperDatabaseAccess('mysql', DB_HOST, null, DB_USER, DB_PASS); } /** * I return all the databases on the server with information about the contents. * @return [array] - Tree ready array holding all databases with child nodes as tables, and table fields as child nodes. */ public function getDatabases() { return $this->returnResult( 'getDatabases', $args, $this->service->getDatabases()); } /** * I return all records from the specified database/table. * @param [string] - $database - The database name. * @param [string] - $table - The table name. * @return [array] - All records from table. */ public function select($database, $table, $columns = "*", $count = 25, $page = 0, $sort = null) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; $this->svcTable = $table; return $this->returnResult( 'get', $args, $this->service->select($database, $table, $columns, $count, $page, $sort)); } public function one($database, $table, $keyvalue){ return $this->returnResult('get', null, $this->service->selectOne($database, $table, $keyvalue)); } /** * I create/update a record in the databases table. * @param [string] - $database - The database name. * @param [string] - $table - The table name. * @param [object] - $vo - Assoc array containing all name/value for the object. * This can be post fields where the key are the column names and the value is the new/edited values. * If the table does not have a primary key then there is a problem and will not be saved. * For testing in amfphp create your object like this. (ex. For updating: {"id":"4", "tag":"Flex"}) (ex. For creating: {"id":"0", "tag":"Flex"} ) * @return [object] - The object that was sent if the call was successfull or false if it was not. */ public function save($database, $table, $vo) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; $this->svcTable = $table; $args = $vo; return $this->returnResult( 'save', $args, $this->service->save($database, $table, $vo)); } /** * I create a record in the databases table. * @param [string] - $database - The database name. * @param [string] - $table - The table name. * @param [object] - $vo - Assoc array containing all name/value for the object. * This can be post fields where the key are the column names and the value is the new/edited values. * If the table does not have a primary key then there is a problem and will not be saved. * For testing in amfphp create your object like this. (ex. For creating: {"id":"0", "tag":"Flex"} ) * @return [object] - The object that was sent if the call was successfull or false if it was not. */ public function create($database, $table, $vo) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; $this->svcTable = $table; $args = $vo; return $this->returnResult( 'create', $args, $this->service->create($database, $table, $vo)); } /** * I update a record in the databases table. * * @param [string] - $database - The database name. * @param [string] - $table - The table name. * @param [object] - $vo - Assoc array containing all name/value for the object. * This can be post fields where the key are the column names and the value is the new/edited values. * If the table does not have a primary key then there is a problem and will not be saved. * For testing in amfphp create your object like this. (ex. For updating: {"id":"4", "tag":"Flex"}) * @return [object] - The object that was sent if the call was successfull or false if it was not. */ public function update($database, $table, $vo) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; $this->svcTable = $table; $args = $vo; return $this->returnResult( 'update', $args, $this->service->update($database, $table, $vo)); } /** * I return the number of records in the specified table. * * @param object $database * @param object $table * @return */ } /** * I remove a record from the database/table. * * @param [string] - $database - The database name. * @param [string] - $table - The table name. * @param [object] - $vo - Assoc array containing name/value pairs, for deleting to be successful send the primary key as the key and the record id value * to delete. (ex. Amfphp: {"id":"4"} ) * @return - [bool] - true or false of the call */ public function remove($database, $table, $vo) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; $this->svcTable = $table; $args = $vo; return $this->returnResult( 'search', $args, $this->service->remove($database, $table, $vo)); } /** * I get all of the tables with information about them from the specified database. * * @param [string] - $database - The database name. * @return [array] - All tables with information */ public function getTables($database) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; return $this->returnResult( 'getTables', $args, $this->service->getTables($database)); } /** * I search any table/column that is specified in the paramenters. * * @param [string] - $database - the database * @param [string] - $table - the table * @param [array] - $columns [optional] - array of columns to select * @param [string] - $where [optional] - condition to search * @param [string] - $query [optional] * @param [number] - $count [optional] * @param [number] - $page [optional] * @param [string] - $sort [optional] * @return */ public function search($database, $table, $columns = "*", $where = null, $query = null, $count = 25, $page = 0, $sort = null) { $this->svcDatabase = $database; $this->svcTable = $table; $args = array('columns' => $columns, 'where' => $where, 'query' => $query, 'count' => $count, 'page' => $page, 'sort' => $sort); return $this->returnResult( 'search', $args, $this->service->search($database, $table, $columns, $where, $query, $count, $page, $sort)); } /** * * @return */ public function readLog() { return $this->returnResult( 'readLog', $args, $this->service->readLog()); } public function writeLog($title, $var) { return $this->returnResult( 'writeLog', $args, $this->service->writeLog($title, $var)); } /** * I return the result from the call. * Based on the result format specified in the * url's extension. * * @param object $call - not used? * @param object $args - array of arguments * @param object $results - result array * @return */ private function returnResult($call, $args, $results) { if ('json' === $this->svcResultFormat) { #header('Content-type: application/json'); } else if ('php' === $this->svcResultFormat) { #header('Content-type: application/x-httpd-php'); } else if ('sql' === $this->svcResultFormat) { $sql = ''; foreach($results["data"] as $result) { $sql .= 'INSERT INTO '.$this->svcDatabase.'.'.$this->svcTable.' VALUES '; foreach ($result as $key=>$value) { $sql .= $key.' = '.$value.', '; } $sql .= ";\n"; } return $sql; } else if ('compressed' === $this->svcResultFormat){ #$postedData = file_get_contents( 'php://input' ); //uncompress this data //$uncompressedPostedData = gzuncompress($postedData); return $compressed; } else if ('xml' === $this->svcResultFormat) { $xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= '<results status="'.$results[0]["status"].'" database="'.$results[0]["database"].'" table="'.$results[0]["table"].'" pages="'.$results[0]["pages"].'" page="'.$results[0]["page"].'" total="'.$results[0]["total"].'" count="'.$results[0]["count"].'">'; if($results[0]["data"]){ $resultsData = $results[0]["data"]; #$xml .= "\n"; if ($call === 'get' || $call === 'search'){ #$xml .= '<'.$results["table"].' row="'.($i + 1).'">'; $xml .= '<row number="'.($i + 1).'">'; #$xml .= "\n"; foreach ($resultsData[$i] as $key=>$value) { $xml .= '<'.htmlentities(trim($key)).'>'.htmlentities(trim($value)).'</'.htmlentities(trim($key)).'>'; $xml .= "\n"; } #$xml .= '</'.$results["table"].'>'; $xml .= "</row>"; $xml .= "\n"; } } else { foreach ($resultsData as $key=>$value) { $xml .= '<'.htmlentities(trim($key)).'>'.htmlentities(trim($value)).'</'.htmlentities(trim($key)).'>'; $xml .= "\n"; } } } $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= '</results>'; return $xml; } else if('zlib' == $this->svcResultFormat){ $out = $results; $out = 'zlib'; return ; } } } switch($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': $svc = new SuperDatabaseService(); $svc->svcResultFormat = $resultFormat; #print_r( $data ); switch($_GET['action']){ case 'select': echo $svc->select($database, $table, $columns, $count, $page, $sort); break; case 'search': echo $svc->search($database, $table, $columns, $where, $query, $count, $page, $sort); break; case 'getDatabases': echo $svc->getDatabases(); break; case 'getTables': echo $svc->getTables($database); break; case 'getLog': echo $svc->readLog(); break; case 'count': break; default: echo 'Please specify an action'; break; } } break; case 'POST': $svc = new SuperDatabaseService(); $svc->svcResultFormat = $resultFormat; #print_r( $data ); switch($_POST['action']){ case 'save': echo $svc->save($database, $table, $data); break; case 'create': echo $svc->create($database, $table, $data); break; case 'update': echo $svc->update($database, $table, $data); break; case 'delete': echo $svc->remove($database, $table, $data); break; default: echo 'Please specify an action'; break; } } break; } ?>