Rotate image on page refresh

/ Published in: PHP
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <?php
  2. $rotate[] = "<img src='images/1.jpg' alt='' border='0' width='405' height='107' />";
  3. $rotate[] = "<img src='images/2.jpg' alt='' border='0' width='405' height='107' />";
  4. $rotate[] = "<img src='images/3.jpg' alt='' border='0' width='405' height='107' />";
  5. $rotate[] = "<img src='images/4.jpg' alt='' border='0' width='405' height='107' />";
  7. $number = rand(0, sizeof($rotate) - 1);
  9. echo $rotate[$number];
  10. ?>

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