Config terminal to move word-by-word

/ Published in: Bash
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To config Terminal do move (left and right) word-by-word:
- Esc + b (left)
- Esc + f (right)

To configure it to Alt + left and right:
- Open Terminal preferences (command + ,);
- At Keyboard tab, select "control cursor left (or right)" and doubleckick it;
- Left: Select the combo "modifier" to "option" and the action to \033b
- Right: Select the combo "modifier" to "option" and the action to \033f


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  1. To config Terminal do move (left and right) word-by-word:
  2. - Esc + b (left)
  3. - Esc + f (right)
  5. To configure it to Alt + left and right:
  6. - Open Terminal preferences (command + ,);
  7. - At Keyboard tab, select "control cursor left (or right)" and doubleckick it;
  8. - Left: Select the combo "modifier" to "option" and the action to \033b
  9. - Right: Select the combo "modifier" to "option" and the action to \033f
  11. Enjoy


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