Clojure REPL Tracing

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Using contrib's trace ns in order to debug functions in the REPL

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  1. user> (use 'clojure.contrib.trace)
  2. nil
  3. user> (defn foo [coll] (reduce + coll))
  4. #'user/foo
  5. user> (defn bar [coll] (map inc coll))
  6. #'user/bar
  7. user> (dotrace [foo bar] (foo (bar [1 1 1])))
  8. TRACE t7043: (bar [1 1 1])
  9. TRACE t7043: => (2 2 2)
  10. TRACE t7044: (foo (2 2 2))
  11. TRACE t7044: => 6


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