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options nosource nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; %macro reorder(dsn); /* Get the variables names to a dataset using proc contents and keeping the variable name only */ proc contents data=&dsn out=varnames(keep=name) noprint; run; /* It is very much important that you UPCASE or LOWCASE the variable names... otherwise you get a different order...Remove this datastep and see for yourself... */ data varnames; set varnames; name=lowcase(name); run; /* Sort the variable names in alphabetical order */ proc sort data=varnames; by name; run; /* Get the observation count */ data _null_; set varnames nobs=num; call symput('obscnt',num);/* Get the observation count */ call symput(compress('macvar'||_n_),trim(left(name))); /* Get the variable names into macro variables */ run; %let obscnt=&obscnt; /*remove the leading and trailing blankspaces generated when numeric is converted to Best12. format */ %put obscnt=&obscnt; /*Please NOTE that the step of getting all variable names into a macro variable could be simply done by using SQL instead of a macro proc sql noprint; select trim(left(name)) into:macvar separated by ' ' from varnames; quit; and the next datastep simply data &dsn; retain &macvar; set &dsn; run; But the cons here is that if there are too many variables and the total length of all the names put together crosses 32767 bytes the SQL approach would'nt work... */ data &dsn; retain %do i=1 %to &obscnt; &&macvar&i /* NOTE: there should be a blank space after &&macvar&i to separate the variable names by space eg. retain subject a b c; NOTE: NO semicolon should be typed here*/ %end;; set &dsn; run; %mend reorder; /* Example dataset with variety of variable names */ data flags; set sashelp.flags; a=2; b=4; _common=10; Cool=30; SubJecT=40; run; ods listing close; ods html body="C:\Reorder.html"; title 'Order of the Variable Before Re-ordering'; proc contents data=flags; run; %reorder(flags); title 'Order of the Variable after Re-ordering'; proc contents data=flags; run; ods html close; ods listing;
URL: http://sastechies.blogspot.com/2009/11/sas-macro-to-reorder-dataset-variables.html