Simple rsync backupscript.

/ Published in: Bash
Save to your folder(s)

This script pulls in files with [rsync](, storing them locally with hardlinks for unchanged, and real files for changed -files.

* KEY=$HOME/.ssh/id_dsa_passwdless -- an id_rtsa key without a password. --adding this to remote authorized keys must be done with care: you will prbably want to whitelist one IP-adress.
* -- the host where to connect to using ssh, or rsync.
* RUSER=example-username -- the username on the host. Must have _read_ access in the SOURCE dit (see below).
* LPATH=$HOME/Archive/example-com/ -- where to place the backups
* RPATH=/var/www/example-com/ -- the to-be-backuped dir.

You probably want to add this as script (``) in `~/bin`, or any other directory available in `$PATH`. And then add it to crontab.

See a howto here:


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